Sunday, March 04, 2007

What a BUMMER!!

I know I'm not supposed to whine.....but this weekend definitely didn't turn out the way it was supposed to. Friday night K3 had his last basketball game at Columbia Central. It was a great game and Kirk had 11 points. What wasn't so great was the drive home. The roads were horrible. There were times when you couldn't even see the road in front of you or there were times the road turned into a one lane trail with high drifting snow. Thank God for 4 wheel drive. I decided I wouldn't head back up to Jackson to scrap with the girls. That really was a big bummer because it was probably the last time until May or June that everyone can get together. Instead I did laundry, cleaned the house, and ran children around town. Kirk 2 and the varsity coaches were a Soaring Eagle speeking at a coaches clinic. Then to add insult to injury Konnor started puking at 3 AM. He seems to be doing ok today....just a few trips to the bathroom still. Hopefully he can go to school tomorrow.


Kasandra said...

We missed you yesterday Kristin. Sorry to hear about the 'bug' that found it's way into your home...hope everyone is felling better.
I was out Friday night too and I can agree the roads were a bit rough....but clear as a bell come Saturday morning - those boys must have worked extra hard all night long to clean up that nasty blowing snow and ICE!!

Beth said...

We missed you but glad you were safe. Sorry about Konnor...won't we be glad when SUMMER gets here???

Jill H said...

aww man, sorry the weekend was a bummer for you! i know we all missed you on Saturday! but sometimes it's good to be safe and stay put. i wasn't sure about driving, but it was a lot better than the last crop day that i drove down. hope Konnor feels better!!