Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A published ARTIST in our family!

Konnor was very excited when his dad showed him what he had found in the Hillsdale Daily Newspaper Monday night. Konnor's drawing of Walmart was chosen to represent them in the Business Ad section. He had to explain to me that those are the milk and eggs setting on the baggage turnstyles....."they never put your eggs and milk in your cart first." Pretty smart for a boy who hasn't been grocery in a long time.
We had K3's Basketball banquet at 6 tonight. Doesn't really fit into the packing the clothes thingy but I guess I get to start that now. 2 days and counting.....Kraig went to the doctor today for a bad ear infection...better today than Friday. Konnor got his "Florida haircut" today after school. It was the only way I could convince him to get it cut....it's been a very looooong time. We told him he would have too many white places once he was tan. What do ya know, it WORKED!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Love those bagging turn things!!! Cute!! :0)