Thursday, October 12, 2006

You might want to sit down, this may take awhile!

You might as well find a comfy chair or head to the bench because there are a few things that need updating since the last post.

Firstly, Kraig had a good game last night, but the team fell short to Leslie's 7th grade team. Ok, so the Hornets got trampled, but I was trying to soften the blow.

Secondly, Konnor is home today with Strep Throat. It seems that the only thing that he and Kraig have shared in the last month are germs. In case, I didn't tell you, Kraig had strep throat last Thursday....are you seeing a pattern here?! Konnor was appauled that Dr. Herbener suggested he had KISSED Kraig! How dare him?! Now I can't say that I am too upset to be home today. The clean laundry is starting to topple over the stacks are sooooo high (my first thing on the list today). Also my students have been NUTS this week!! They are taking the MEAP and have had inside recess, which is not a good combination at all!

Thirdly, K3 travels to Montrose (somewhere near Flint I hear) to play football. How effective will they be after spending over 3 hours on the bus?! I guess we will have to wait and see. K2 had practice this morning for 6-8 AM, so they can leave after school for the game. Actually, the morning went smoother than anticipated, getting everyone around and sub plans to school by 7:30.

Lastly, well what can I say. The weather has definitely taken a turn for the worse. I am NOT a winter person. My bones need lots of sunshine and WARM weather. I guess I will have to pull the warm stuff out of the basement. YUCK!!


Jill H said...

this weather stinks :( hope Konnor is feeling better! sorry to hear another boy has fallen to strep throat :( i can't believe kids travel 3 hrs to play football!!!

Beth said...

3 hours on a weeknight no less! I'm sure they'll be great for school tomorrow too! DUH!

Sorry about Konnor, hang in there girl!

Beth said...

3 hours on a weeknight no less! I'm sure they'll be great for school tomorrow too! DUH!

Sorry about Konnor, hang in there girl! hang in there girl!