Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ahhhh....the second day of summer vacation!

Yesterday had to be one of the most beautiful weather days we have had in a long time....or maybe it just seemed that way because I wasn't at WORK! Yeah, I think that was it. My brother called last night and said, "guess what I did today?" I'm thinking he won the lottery or got a new job....something worth calling your sister, right?! No, he called to tell me he went to work. What a hoot that little brother of mine is?! The boys survived the first day of basketball camp....Konnor got to go play with his friend Drew (Thank you Darin)...and Kirk and I worked on getting the pool in tip top swimming form. Oh, yeah, than I layed in the sun and played lifeguard all afternoon to different groups of boys. Wow, what a rough life?!

Oh, and then there was the brief trip to the vet to have Chloe's heartworm check. Did I mention that she is not a good girl at the vet? Last time she bolted out of the car and took off running down the road...couldn't possibly happen again you say...well, this time I left the leash on so that wouldn't happen again and guess what? She took off running around the Vet office. How embarassing?! I had just thrown shorts and a tshirt on over the wet bathing suit. Not something I want to run around the Vet building in that's for sure. She never did calm down...and next time I am going to tie her into the truck.

Today I am taking Konnor to the surgeon for his consultation on the final surgery (July 13th). Konnor is not really excited about the whole idea of doing this all over again, but he is definitely looking forward to the "ginormous" popcicle he gets after surgery.

1 comment:

Beth said...

That Chloe...she's a bit, um, wild? Glad you're enjoying your vacations. Tell your brother tomorrow I'll call you to tell you I'm working :) My turn! Just kiddin' - have a good 10 more weeks of summer fun you brat!! :)