I've never been so happy to see a season end! This Fall they decided to play 8 games instead of 6. Way tooooooo long! The weather has pretty much stunk for the last 3 weeks. Last weekend our game was cancelled because there was too much standing water on the field. Konnor had a great season and is already looking forward to Spring soccer. It will be interesting to see if he does soccer or football as a 3rd grader. Our recreation department starts the football program at 3rd grade. I think I will be voting for soccer, even though it is more work for me.
Kirk and I did "Spring" cleaning yesterday around the house. It is much easier when it is a team effort. I even cleaned the bathroom rugs and he did the showers (very yucky jobs). It does feel nice to have it done. Now I just have to finish the laundry and get things around for the week. K3 starts Varsity football this week, Kraig still has football practice and games for the next 2 weeks, both boys have a choir concert on Tuesday evening, parent-teacher conferences and professional development on Thursday, and NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY for teachers!!!! YEAH!! K2 and K3 will still have practice and meetings on Friday, but the rest of us will probably try to get costumes around. No reason to rush into those things.
Glad things are ticking along for you...no whammies, no whammies...! Cool that you have NO SCHOOL on Friday, and at least you have that day girl...I have to SQUEEZE Halloween prep into the weekend...and it's already TOO BUSY! Enjoy Friday!
i'm laughing at Beth's whammy comment :) cute soccer pictures!
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