First of all I have to start this post by saying....so many "different" things went on today that I don't want to come of whinny or unapprecitive, but here it goes.
A big thanks to mom AKA Grandma Mary who said "I spent my whole day driving around Hillsdale!" Yes, mom, it does feel like that most days. Kirk and I had Professional Development and Parent-teacher conferences today from 8AM-8PM, so mom came to stay with the boys. She had to drop-off and pick-up from football practice, take Konnor to the dentist (he ended up getting a tooth pulled OOOPPPSSS- Sorry mom; kind of dramatic!), dropping Kraig off at a friends, picking up Bryan to play with Konnor for the day, taking Kirk to an orthodontist appointment, etc. So, yeah, she did drive all day. Good thing we don't have to pay her mileage.
We got word today that one of my former students/girl friend's son was killed in a car accident while driving home from school today. It is really a shame because he had transferred to Pittsford in order to "start new" for his senior year and then this happened. I can't even begin to put into words what I was feeling (shock, disbelief, saddness, confusion). I want to be supportive for Val but I don't even know where to begin?! Tyler was only 2 years older than Kirk....need I say more.
I really tried to be productive after that phone call, but I really couldn't focus very well.
I know that P-T conferences are very important, but noone comes to see the gym teacher. I used to love talking with my students parents....now I sit in my office and WORK! Blick 'em!! I did get a lot done, but I am comotose from the day.
The good NEWS....no school Friday and the 1st big playoff game tomorrow night. I'll keep you posted on the outcome.
1 comment:
I'm so sorry to hear about Val's son. I can't imagine...and I'm sure that's where you're coming from. Hang in there with that, and you'll do what's right in being there...you always do. Sometimes you just have to wait til you figure it out. On the other hand...good luck tonight with the game, and Grandma ROCKS!
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