Yes, Konnor and I are home AGAIN today! I was all ready for work....actually running ahead of schedule....and I went to get him out of bed and he was WARM!! Crap...hurry...run...call for a sub...and get some plans around. Totally didn't see this one coming. I thought for sure he was good to go today. WRONGO! I guess I probably could have done like other parents and stuff him full of ibuprofren and sent him on his way....but would that really be fair. Now here is the real issue....do I get to go watch the Varsity play tonight at the college field?! I wasn't at work, but he is doing much better and is just laying around resting. Do you think I will get busted? I can't just pull up to the field like at HHS....we will actually have to get outside. And I do know college people that may let me be in a booth. HMMMM????
Last night's game at Montrose....heard it was cold and definitely not a game you would want to actually watch. They got beat pretty bad. They did get to ride a charter bus to the game though. That was pretty cool!
What's on tap for tomorrow? Soccer game at 11:20....Pumpkin party at the Neiderhauser's by 3:00. I have done all my cooking today...and even made some extra things in case Joyce wants me to bring something to the coaches party tonight after the game. I had to cook because I finished the laundry and cleaned the house yesterday....not much else to do. I've even changed the rabbit and hamster cages today. WOW!!
1 comment:
hope Konnor is finally feeling better :) and hope you're having fun with the girlies visiting you =)
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