I thought I had uploaded this one too! Konnor is having a great start to 2nd grade. He claims that it is pretty easy. I hope he continues feeling this way. He starts Reading Recovery tutoring tomorrow morning before school. We are going to reaccess his levels after a month of tutoring. We are hoping to give him a little extra confidence.
Well, I'm off to study Science with Kirk.
PS I traded in the 6 yucky mice (kinda creepy looking) for 1 Black Bear hamster (not so scary looking). Today when I went to Davis to clean cages I had quite a interesting surprise.....yes, you guessed it....I know have 13 hamsters. YIPEE! NOT!!
Great news on Konnor. That is a terrific start to a new school year!!
OOOOH you know have lots of little friends, eh? They seem to multiply very quick, those little hamsters!!
Glad to see you posting! I was missing those Putnam updates.
All great pictures here! Love them and so glad to see you back up and posting!!! I know what you mean about the schedules and gettign it all done. A little overwhelmed myself! Hang in there... you always rock and get it all done.
naughty little hamsters ;) i'm trying to get a handle on my new schedule too, only preschool but still it's a change for me to HAVE to get a shower before noon. glad to hear Konnor is doing well!!
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