The whole computer thing is just CRAZY!! I don't know if I can continue to keep up from school but I will give it a shot. The kitchen is still incomplete (and we were supposed to have the Coaches Party this friday) NOT gonna happen. The bathroom still has no toilet and no sink. Konnor thinks it's easier to pee outside than to walk upstairs.....some of us aren't sooo lucky?! I'm hoping today everthing will get finished. We will be hosting the party from Anne Lemerands home (I had to ask humbly this morning). Kirk and I were working until 10:30 everynight after football and quite frankly it is getting a little much.
Konnor had another hard start to his day. He is not excited about having Reading Recovery tutoring before school. Actually, I don't think it is the time but the idea that he still has to work so hard to do something that comes easily to others. I can't see myself fighting the battle too much longer. I can't start my day that STRESSED out.
I went back to the orthopedic surgeon yesterday because my entire left knee turned purple than black on Friday. He said I just broke a blood vessel and that it didn't relate to the other knee issue. Thank God! I don't have time for a scope right now. He also gave me a shot in the wrist that has been killing me lately. Too many push-ups for this OLD lady!!
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