I tell you what....this computer thing is sure cramping my style. I finally get hooked on posting and then I can't even post. This is CRAP!!! Speaking of crap....yesterday morning started out a bit stressful for me. Jackie sent me an email that stated the new science teacher had some requests about the animals. Hmmmm? Not how to take care of them, but that I needed to remove them ASAP. Yes, you read right! A science room without cool animals is not a science room. So I frantically asked around to find new "homes" for all of the tanks that I spent my time and money getting around. Granted I wasn't asked to get that room ready but I figured it would make the replacements job alot easier. I guess I was wrong again. Oh, she also said I needed to turn in my keys....granted there are a lot of people with keys to DMS that aren't even employees of the district. To end the email she said oh thanks again for all the time you put into landscaping and keep in touch.Can you believe the nerve......needless to say I was smoking for most of the AM. I emailed her back and said that my schedule was a little tight (football games Wed-thurs-friday but that I would get them out this weekend. So how was your day?
alrighty, that just stinks that your hard work isn't very appreciated :( i say go get those creatures when you're good & ready.
Actually, I can't wait to get them out of there knowing that she doesn't appreciate them. I wish I would have had a crystal ball.....wouldn't have had to waste valuable POOL time.
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