There were two tell tale signs of spring in Hillsdale this weekend.....a baby mini born on Friday night to Spring (momma horse's name) and Soccer officially started on Saturday morning!
Konnor had a great game! He scored both goals for the team. Not to mention that he had probably 9 attempts on goal that didn't go in. He was all over the field...he played a very "smart" game. It was exciting for us to start off the season with a win (2-1) instead of loosing (like we did all last year). We have the same group of boys back and some of what we worked on in the fall carried over (very exciting).
Spring's baby is not even 24 hours old in this picture. She is so adorable....looks just like a little grey field mouse. She is the smallest one they have had born on the farm, but she sure is spunky. Did I already mention she is soooooo adorable.
Konnor, K2, and I had a campfire last night. Love burning the Christmas tree during the first campfire of the year. It always make such a big fire. It was a little chilly, so the big fire felt good. Konnor spent the entire time wittling a stick (with his real knife) and listening to his dad tell him about the stories of when he was a boy scout. Good thing he is too young to pick up on the off color jokes about Girl Scouts and Brownies. I sure got a good laugh from them though.
Have a great Easter! Hope the bunny was good to you.
Go Konnor! We need to come down and see that baby too...Madi would LOVE it!
You know you are welcome anytime!!
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