This was the only pissy picture I could find, on short notice, to go along with this blog!! Frustrated...competitive...aggressive...where did these personality traits come from and where were they all my life?!
I know that all of you poor friends and family that have to work your fingers to the bone the "whole year" aren't going to like this post, so you might as well exit out now before I tick you off. For the love of God....when will this school year end. I keep trying to focus on the fact that the end is quickly approaching, but the kids are making that goal nearly impossible to attain. They are NUTS!! It is almost like they have started break already and we are there getting in their way. Honestly, I don't think they can remember any of the rules or procedures we have worked all year on. They are on BREAK! Unfortunately, the busiest time of the year is approaching for me too. I am getting ready for the the 6th annual Camden Frontier vs. Hillsdale track and field day. This is a huge undertaking! So here the kids are hardly putting any effort in and I am having to bust my "arse" (love it Kandi!). What is up with that?! Maybe I should put in the same amount of effort as they are and cancel the whole event. Oh, you know I won't, but that empty threat makes me feel better. Gotta go get ready for work.....Yippee!
So you're right, mostly I'm just jealous...but I can't say I blame you, and we're on countdown mode here too. And let's face it, I enjoy Kyle's summer off too! Oh, and I also know how idiotic the kids get around this time (after Spring Break, all hell breaks loose!)
wowsa, that picture looks pissy even sideways!!! just keep the countdown going, it won't be long & you'll be soaking up sunshine everyday (or at least as much as MI weather will allow)!
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