Who would have ever thought that a 14 year old could put so much pressure on himself. Kirk told his dad last night, " I just want to impress you dad." WOW. What a powerful statement. Kirk2 responded that he didn't need to impress him, he just needed to do his best and try his hardest. So much emotion in this picture taken Monday night at Albion. Tonight is Davis Relays and Kirk2 and I are working the shot put. I know this sounds a little unfair to all the other shot putters, but I promise we won't cheat. K3 will be just throwing tonight, no running. With so many teams at the Relays, they only let a select few run. Well, enjoy another glorious 75 degree day. I know I'm loving having gym outside. I hope it doesn't rain from now until the end of school. Can't go back into that gym! Only 30 school days left for all of you that were wondering.
awwww, what a thing to hear!! glad to hear that good response from K2, powerful stuff!!!
Very cool... Oh and I'm with Kevin on the job thing...hello, at least you only have 30 days left you BRAT! :) Did I tell you the kids from Hillsdale across from us at the campground have moved out?
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