Sunday, December 02, 2007

What do you want for Xmas?

Picture of Grandma and Grandpa Warren at the Read to Me after Thanksgiving Program. The boys had to dress like Homeys......
hence the baller hat Konnor is sporting in this pic.

I think the only thing that would be on my list this week is a Body Double. Not a Double Body....I think I have pretty much taken care of that problem at Weight Watchers. I just need a know someone to stand in for me. I have too many places to be this week and not enough of me to go around. We have 4 games this week and a couple of Dr. Apts., Weight Watchers, choir concert, etc. that need to be done at the same time. Yikes!! Monday Kraig is at Albion and I also have an appointent at 4. Tuesday Kirk3 has a game at East Jackson HS and I have Weight Watchers before I can go to that game. K2 has an end of the year football meeting and won't be able to go to the game. Wednesday Kraig has a game at home. Thursday K2 has a dentist appointment in Jackson with the specialist, K3 has PT conferences, and Kraig has his DMS Choir Concert. Oh, boy! Friday K3 has a game at home. Yeppers, I really need a CLONE!

1 comment:

Donna said...

I guess teaching is like riding a bike once you know how you never forget. Mary looks at home here. What great grandparents.