Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like ......

a tundra! At least it sure is more snow than we have had in a long time. We woke up this morning and the first thing Konnor said was "you gotta see the snowman mom!" The poor thing was buried up to his eyeballs and only his arm made it out. I for one would like a snowday tomorrow but I know we won't be that lucky. Kirk and I did our annual Powershop Marathon. Seriously got to figure a better way to get our shopping done next year.....I know I said the same thing last year too. We left Hillsdale at about 9:30 and got back 12 hours later. Mr. and Mrs. P came down to watch the boys. We did get a lot accomplished but what a headache?! Today we worked our fannies off....literally. The guys all went out to shovel out this morning and I stayed inside to clean the house. I think I got the better deal. Then we pilled in the truck and plowed through the snow on the roads to go get our tree. Now the snow was actually thigh high in spots but we did manage to find a nice one. Definitely didn't look at every tree this year. It is now thawing out in a bucket in the garage. Hopefully we can find two seconds this week to get it in the house. Another reason for wanting a snowday tomorrow. This week there is at least 2 things going on each night. When will this crazy lifestyle end?!


Beth said...

I love the snowman picture! I hope you do get a snowday tomorrow!!

Jill H said...

ha! that snowman's arm cracks me up. i'm sure life will stop being so crazy when your kids are all out of your house??? maybe? ;)

Kasandra said...

I too love the snowman picture!! Not too many eyars from now we will be sitting wondering what can I go do now- nothing to do. I think it is appealing somedays then others I know I love the busy life!! Hang in there fellow busy mom!!

Donna said...

Why is it that we are soo busy on snow days. I don't know what I would have done if we had school.