Sunday, November 05, 2006

My baby is 15 today!!

Kirk and his friends at his campfire birthday party tonight. Yes, I did it alone because K2 was at a coaches meeting. I was feeling a little out numbered, but they are all great kids, so it was absolutely smooth sailing.

Happy Birthday wishes to my oh so special kid. K3 turned 15 years old today. I had to laugh last night when I was looking at the program for the District game. My 9th grader was the second biggest kid on the roster for HHS. Now, this is only funny and amazing to me, because I can remember the day 15 years ago (like it was yesterday) when they told me they were taking my new baby away and shipping him to a bigger hospital. I had to spend 10 grueling days without him. My preemie is now 5'11" and 245 pounds. Not really the picture you have in your mind when you think about a preemie now is it?!

HHS Varsity won Districts last night. Kirk3 got on the field 2 times for the extra point attempt team. It is so thrilling to watch him play with the Varsity. What a great experience for him.


Beth said...

Happy birthday K3, and no, he looks NOTHING like a preemie :) I'm sure it was an awesome Putnam party as usual! Congrats on the win Saturday!! When do you play next??

Jill H said...

WOW, i can't believe he was that tiny when he was born! haha, what a change :) we missed ya this weekend!