Friday, November 24, 2006

Basketball and birthdays

What do basketball and birthdays have in common? You can have a ball with both! I know that was a really bad joke, but I couldn't think of anything else. Monday and Tuesday Kraig had games at home and then Columbia Central. Neither game went very well, but it's still early in the season. We celebrated K2 birthday on Wednesday after school and practices. Kirk and I went to Saucy Dog with the Englishs and then we had cake and presents at home with the boys. The best part of the night was watching 2 1/2 hours of old family movies. Please tell me where those 15 years went????? There were some footage that had us rolling on the ground in tears. Konnor was a little twirked when we watched the tapes before he was born. He doesn't like the fact that we had fun without him. He also commented that we were a lot nicer back then. Hmmmm....could it be that they were a lot better behaved back then?!


Kasandra said...

Sounds like you had fun! Isn't it great to go back and watch those movies...when I came home from work last Wednesday the boys were home after a half day...and as I came up to the porch I could hear them laughing loudly...and they were watching old movies!! Laughing at Steve and I of course- our hair, clothes!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!

Beth said...

The old movies rock, and Konnor, they WERE nicer!! But it's not just because there are three now, but they're almost more demanding now that they're older, don't you think?? Hope you're having a good weekend!

Jill H said...

haha, i bet parents are a LOT nicer before 15 yrs of kids!! hope you guys had a good turkey day, Kristin =)