Friday, November 10, 2006

Just a bunch of whining......

I haven't posted all week because I was afraid it would come off as a bunch of whining and it probably still will. Tuesday my back went out. I was coming home from the Chiropractor and I slammed my fingers in the garage door trying to keep my runaway mutt in the garage. After a few choice words and crying, I decided that it didn't look broken and I would probably live. I actually forgot about my back hurting for a few minutes. What luck?! Wednesday I wore my back brace and shoved ice down my pants to work and watched my finger continue to swell. Thursday morning I had to go to the Jewelry store before work to have my wedding ring cut off because my finger was now a deep plum, almost black color. Not how I wanted to start my day.....Friday is looking up! Back is feeling better, but I'm still sporting an ice pack. Finger is now just bruised looking....and it's Friday, so that's a plus. Tomorrow is sub sale assembly at 6:30 AM, hair appointment at 9 in Holt, and 1:00 kick off for HHS at the college. Wow, tomorrow will be interesting. GO HORNETS!!!!


Beth said...

Kristin, whine's your blog for crying out loud! you're allowed to do that :) Hang in there and good luck today...with all your activities, and the game!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kristin....this is where you vent and to who? your friends...that's what we're for!
I sure hope you are feeling better and you start this week on a much better note! Keep us posted!!

Jill H said...

i hope your bodily harm has ENDED!! take care & i don't mind hearing the whining...that's what blogs are for ;)