Wednesday, January 03, 2007


I can't hardly believe that the trip to Cancun is only 3 days away!!!! You would think that I would be super happy and ready to leave, but I am a wreck. There are so many things I want to have done before I go to help Kirk and the boys out next week. I have tried to pack for the last couple of days and all that is actually in the suitcase is a beach towel and 2 bathing suits. What more could I possibly need?! I am looking forward to finding the "Florida Kristin" that my friends tease me about. I guess I have a total personality transformation on these trips....completely layed back, suprising I know.
K3 has a game tonight at home and then I will get that packing done. We leave around 4:30 on Friday for Cleveland and then 7 AM Saturday for Cancun. I can't wait!!


Beth said...

I want to see Florida Kristin! :) You'll get it all done, relax. You always do. And Kirk will survive if you don't, he's good. Have fun my lucky almost 40-year-old friend :)

Jill H said...

i'm laughing at you only have a swimsuit and towels packed...i agree, what MORE do you need?! have fun, Kristin! happy birthday (early) =)

Kasandra said...

happy Birthday, Cancun Kristin! (sounds like a new Barbie lol)
Enjoy the vacation the rest of us only dream of right
The boys will survive, you know it...and if they eat pizza for the week every meal, wear the same clothes all what? they will be lovin it as much as you are lovin Cancun!
RELAX Cancun Kristin!! and LIVE IT UP- thankfully we only turn 40 once. :-)