Saturday, January 27, 2007

Homecoming 2007

After a nail biter of a JV game and a complete hammering by the Varsity, the homecoming festivies began. Kirk and Anna looked absolutely wonderful together. It was amazing

what putting that boy in a tuxedo did. He was a hoot!! You would have thought he was dubbed President for the day. He was so comical and whitty it was amazing! He had a great time at the dance and did a great job representing the Freshman Class. Way to go ANNA and KIRK3!!


Beth said...

The pictures are awesome, he is super handsome! You should be proud mom...and he was silly and witty in the tux...come on!? Isn't he always? :)

Kasandra said...

Ohh la la....he is a handsome young man! and she is a cutie too.

Jill H said...

awww, how handsome is he in that tux?! definitely one of those FUN parenting moments, i'm sure :)