For all of my friends that know me well, try not to laugh out loud at the next statement. I really do try to be non-competitive. Unfortunately, for reasons out of my control it doesn't always work that way. 2 years ago when I started coaching baseball, I would loose because I didn't understand the proper way to make a line-up. I had all of these fancy ways to pick the order (ie: alphabetical, rotating top to bottom, bottom to top, etc) I hated loosing just because I was trying to make everything "fair and equal". Well, guess what, this world we live in isn't always fair and equal. So now when I do my line up, I make sure that we will get those big hits and runs we need in an inning and then try to shake things up position wise. I know this is probably the wrong way to look at baseball at this level, but nobody likes to loose....right?! Some kids are out there for the mere fact that their parents want them to be there. I still have kids playing in the dirt, while my 3 strongest players are turning double plays. Hmmmmm??? I still think I have the best interest of the team in mind, so does it really matter that not everyone gets to play every position?
You are totally uncompetitive, I don't know what you're talking about. As a mom of one of the kids that would be turning a double play, I say you're right on!
i think you're doing great, being an awesome coach!! lol @ 'i'm not competitive'...suuuuuurrrre!!
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