Just a quick post of a "shot" (no pun intended) during the 4th of July festivities at Jim and Joyce's. We were actually trying to see how much more K3 had to grow before he would be as tall as his dad. He is still concerned that he has stopped growing. Not likely kid, you're only 14!
Day 4 post surgery....a little bit less whinny. He played with Bryan for most of the day. He rode his 4 wheeler and dug a tunnel in the back by his giant holes. Thanks to Beth he did get to be in the pool for a short bit. The 100% waterproof bandages work, but they aren't 100%, more like 98%. He went through 2 patches in about 30 minutes but it was definitely better than sitting on the stairs. It was so incredibly hot...the pool was very refreshing. He wanted to go to the Lake but didn't decide until 3 in the afternoon. I was not packing up at 3 just to turn around at 9. Maybe today, who knows?!
that's a cute picture!!
gosh K3 looks so much like K2.
glad Konnor got to get out a little & get off your nerves a little! hang in there :)
Cool picture! Glad the bandages worked, and good talking to you today :)
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