I have no idea...maybe to get to the other side?! How could I have been soooo stupid? When we were planning this scrapping camping girls weekend, I totally forgot the turkey season started on the 1st for Kirk. Ooppsss!! Lucky for me he is not that bent out of shape because he got the month long pass. Whew! that was close. I am looking forward to getting away with the girls and do some serious scrapping. Lucky for me all of my stuff is still packed from the Saturday trip in January that we did. Haven't touched a thing. My BAD! I need to find some photo organizer thingy because I keep ordering from snapfish and the little green folders keep piling up. That will probably be my first job of the weekend. I think I am going to work on a "Farm" book for my neighbor Sue. They are the most loving, generous neighbors anyone could have. I have been taking pictures of their mini's and llama for years and want to put them together for her. She took pictures of our house being built and gave us a little photo album. It was very thoughtful. I thought maybe she could take her pictures when she travelled.
On the sick front....Kirk3 is worse today. I think I may have to take him back into today. His throat is killing him and now his eyes hurt. Kraig woke up with what looks like the start of Pink Eye...Konnor throat is sore and he hasn't had much to eat in two days. You know he is hurting when he doesn't eat because that boy can sure put it away. I feel like they have been so healthy this year and now their all falling apart at the same time. Good news....20 1/2 days of school..... I think we are gonna make it?!
i think they were crossing the road to get AWAY from kyle? his season ended 4/30...that's why i'm scrapping this weekend and not last...sorry i didn't check out kirks schedule :)
i love the turkeys!! what a cool picture. i think they crossed the road to get away from your boys' germs....uck! hope they get to feeling better soon & don't bring any germies w/you on Sat. can't wait to see you! i can't belive it's been since JANUARY!
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