Kirk3 had another track meet on Friday. He got second in shot and finished 1st in his heat for the 70 yd dash. I know he was disappointed with his throw. The boy from Coldwater threw 40'1/2"....that is really far. He was good.
Saturday, Kirk and I put mulch down in all of the flower beds. He mowed while Konnor and I had a soccer game. We barely snuck by with another win. I think Konnor had three goals again. It is hard to keep track of who shoots them in. Mom and Dad came down to watch. Kraig had his second baseball try-outs. Kirk3 just hung out with a friend.
Oh my aching back...and neck...and arms...and legs. Kraig, Konnor, and I went to the Lake yesterday to help mom and dad rake leaves, and get the cottage ready for fun. I raked for 4 hours and can barely move this morning. Kraig raked for about an hour and then lost interest...Konnor tried to fish but nothing was biting (water is still freezing)...fell in with his only set of clothes on....shot a new pellet gun grandpa got for him...and bugged the crap out of everyone because we weren't stopping to do stuff with him. All in all, we got a ton done (no literally, I think we raked a "ton" on leaves). It looks much better and there are only a couple areas that still need raked. I'd better get moving....do ya think I can teach from a chair today?!
Ewww...lots of work at the cottage...yuck! So the snowbirds brought cold weather and work back? :) Glad you had a good weekend, even if they did have you moving!!
wow, you guys were busy this weekend! not much longer & you guys will be at the cottage for FUN instead of WORK, right?!
Oh the fun that comes with having such an awesome place to retreat to in the warm summer months!
Hey teach, think you could do musical chairs all day?
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