I know I tend to focus on the boys sports....but they really are well-rounded boys. Both boys received honors last night at Awards night. They work their hinnies off to do well in school. I know your thinking "with two parents as teachers what choice do they really have?" You're right! They don't have that option around here. We are slave drivers and we know it...no slacking around here.
Kraig received recognition for All Year Honor Roll, All Year Card of Excellence (3.5 or above), DTV, and Quiz Bowl. He really had fun with these extra-curricular activities and I think he will probably find time as a 7th grader to do them again.
Kirk received recognition for All Year Honor Roll, All Year Card of Excellence (3.5 or above), DTV, and the really big honor of 8th Grade Student of the Year. He was among 5 other 8th graders to win this honor. Great Job!
I am very pleased with these fine young men. They work really hard and make their parents very pround. I also had Konnor's exit meeting last night after school. He is now at a level 12 in reading. That is 14 levels of growth for one school year. Talk about working your hinnie off. He surely did that. We have our Summer Reading Plan all mapped out and ready to go.
2 1/2 days left of school. YIPPEEEE!