Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well-rounded boys!

I know I tend to focus on the boys sports....but they really are well-rounded boys. Both boys received honors last night at Awards night. They work their hinnies off to do well in school. I know your thinking "with two parents as teachers what choice do they really have?" You're right! They don't have that option around here. We are slave drivers and we know slacking around here.

Kraig received recognition for All Year Honor Roll, All Year Card of Excellence (3.5 or above), DTV, and Quiz Bowl. He really had fun with these extra-curricular activities and I think he will probably find time as a 7th grader to do them again.

Kirk received recognition for All Year Honor Roll, All Year Card of Excellence (3.5 or above), DTV, and the really big honor of 8th Grade Student of the Year. He was among 5 other 8th graders to win this honor. Great Job!

I am very pleased with these fine young men. They work really hard and make their parents very pround. I also had Konnor's exit meeting last night after school. He is now at a level 12 in reading. That is 14 levels of growth for one school year. Talk about working your hinnie off. He surely did that. We have our Summer Reading Plan all mapped out and ready to go.

2 1/2 days left of school. YIPPEEEE!

Friday, May 26, 2006

I'm BACK!!

Some of us were a little BUSY this week. Monday and Tuesday I had to cover HIV/AIDS lessons with all of the 5th graders on top of teaching PE. Wednesday and Thursday were spent at the HHS track for Track and Field days. Wednesday was the 4th graders of Hillsdale vs. the 4th graders of Camden-Frontier. It is run exactly like a middle school meet. Thursday was the 5th grade day. Both days my students took 1st and 3rd overall in the meet. I was very proud of thier hard work. I guess my threats actually paid off. Last year, we didn't come home with either of the overall class plaques. I wasn't a happy camper because you know how competitive I am. So now I just have to make it through 4 1/2 days of school and 1 3rd grade TRACK AND FUN day next Thursday PM. Nothing like waiting to the last moment to schedule that one.

PS. a little side note on my "student": came to track and field on Wednesday and placed in 3 events (nice little slap in the face). Thursday my lunch ladies were late getting to the HHS to serve lunch because there were 3 cop cars blocking her way out. Yep, you guessed it "he" went ballistic over having a ball removed from his possession. Hmmmm, didn't someone anticipate that happening?! Got to go....promise to post some good recaps of what else has been happening on the homefront soon.

Friday, May 19, 2006


2nd Place SMAA League Meet Shot Put- Kirk3

Kirk took 2nd in the League Track Meet last night at Stockbridge. He threw 36'11". A CC athlete beat him by 3". WAY TO K3!!

Please humor me by singing this to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas!

3 baseball scrimmages.....2 -3 on 3 this note) Soccer game. This is what we have to look forward to this weekend (and we thought it was going to be a quiet weekend, HUH?!) The older two boys have baseball scrimmages on both Saturday and Sunday. They are also playing in Jonesville's 3 on 3 tournament with games on Saturday and Sunday. Konnor has only a soccer game on Saturday and then he will probably be off hunting with his buddy somewhere. I will be feverishly typing Heat Sheets and copying HIV packets for the 5th graders. Whew! Good thing the end of school is quickly approaching because I don't know how much more steam I have. There are only 9 1/2 days for any of you that are counting down with me. Richard update: was allowed to return to school today after meeting with Mr. Siakel, his mother, and 2 Probation officers. He will not be allowed to return to gym until he sits down with this group and myself. Let me tell you that is not a meeting I'm looking forward to. I am going to be obstinate about him not attending Track and Field day. Why should he be rewarded for his behavior? Kirk and Kirk are on their way to Chicago for the 8th grade field trip. I don't know who was more excited?! OK, yes I do, K3 was looking forward to it....K2 was hoping the students behave since he in charge today. Well, better get moving for work.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

11 1/2 days and counting....

This year could not end fast enough....even if today was the last day. Unfortunately, it's NOT! There are so many things left to do at work it isn't funny. Tonight I have a parent meeting for the HIV movies and materials. Hoping that not too many people will show up. Tomorrow is the Boys Puberty session....I think with my recent luck (none) that I will have Dan come from DMS to cover this information with them. K3 has a league track meet in Stockbridge that starts at 3:00. Guess I won't make that one?! Next Monday and Tuesday are the HIV lessons with the 5th grade....Wednesday and Thursday are the Track and Field Days (somebody please locate the valve that will stop the rain by then)....and the following Thursday is the 3rd grade Track and Fun day. I need to remember that somewhere around January I was looking for things to keep me I have a surplus.

Enough whinning for now....I am leaving you with two happy pictures. I got 3 hanging baskets for the porch and this is Konnor with his Billy Bob teeth from his party. Hope they make you smile!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Book em, Danno!

Some of you may be too young to get that phrase (ie: Beth, Kandi, Jill, and all of my younger friends). That was yesterday in a nut shell and I'm using NUT loosely. I can't tell you how many stressful events have occured in my life over the past week....let's re-cap some of the highlights. First, I was told that I couldn't have my track and field day on the scheduled date (had a contract with the HS since November 05), I was informed that I would probably be moved to the HS or the MS to teach science again next year....thirdly, I spent 6 hours spraying off tie-dyed t-shirts in the freezing cold rain....fourthly, I remembered (way too late) that I hadn't covered the Puberty and HIV units with the 5th grade. None of those events can hold a candle to yesterday's excitement though! During one of my PM gym classes, my very violent and emotionally unstable student decided he didn't like the fact that someone else was doing the jump ball to start our game. He proceeded to push and yell at the student that was in his way. Unfortunately, the other student didn't want to back down at that point. He decided to do some pushing back. I stepped in between the two students and broke up the shoulder banging with my own shoulder. I thought that would be the end of it until they lined up to return to their classroom. He decided to scream and yell at me stating "you aren't my boss, you can't tell me what to do, get away from me....etc. etc." When the teacher arrived, I asked him to remove the student. The student was not going to comply with him either. He continued to yell and scream at me all the way down the hall. My principal and I tried to get him to calm down. Nothing was working. He was allowed to go back to his class....left his class....went to the office.....called 911 on me. Yes, you read right, that little "shxx" called the cops because we weren't being fair. To make a long story short I was called out of my class to talk to the police....I felt like I was being reprimanded....the student had to leave the building. I cannot believe that it happened?! He's in 4th grade for God's sake! PS this is the same student that had me up against the wall twice last year in similiar situations. I love my job! NOT!!

Today was the first two sessions of Puberty ed. Went is one of the statements that was in my question box. I think it says it all! Why do we have to go through this thing, why can't boys because they are smelly and mean! I will get a good laugh out of that one for years to come. She is only 11 and doesn't know how right she is!!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Rain, rain go away.....

No, seriously the rain can go away sometime real soon! I'm sick of soggy dogs, dirty shoes, and having a birthday party for 10 boys in the rain. Konnor had his "official" party yesterday. We ended up taking them to DMS gym with a bunch of my equipment from gym. They played and played. I wouldn't have survived that party in my house. There were a few boys that were far from well-behaved. Kinda' put a damper on my enjoyment. I guess that doesn't really matter because Konnor had a good time. Thank God birthday parties, at our house, are every other year.....maybe he'll forget and I can squeeze in a couple more years before the next one.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Shhh, don't tell anyone!

Don't tell anyone that I posted twice in one day. There has to be a law against that somewhere. Kirk2 just got home with the camera from JCW and I wanted to share Konnor's present (actually it is for Kraig and Konnor to share for their birthdays, but Kraig was not impressed) with everyone. He is very excited!!!! He has been wanting one for about 2 years now....we have been actively looking for about a year. He rode it around the yard once last night in the pouring rain. Didn't seem to phase him one bit. He has been riding it ever since he got home from school today. Yes, it is still raining, but we just keep changing his jeans and socks and sending him back out to brave the elements. He just came in(8:45) to get gloves....must be getting cold?!

Need wheels for this week!

These are the shoes that my friends and I need to purchase in order to get everything done that we need to in a week. Beth needs two pairs!

Sorry it has taken me so long to get posted again. This week has been a blur. Monday I was told about the track change....Wednesday was choir concert and konnor's birthday....Wednesday I was also told I may be moved to the MS or HS science next year....Thursday we started tie dying t-shirts....and today I spent the day in the rain, rinsing and washing tie dye t-shirts. Did I mention I don't care for the laundry mat. I finally finished at 4:30 and was too wet, cold, and tired to go watch Kirk3 throw the shot in the rain at JCW. I know I won't be winning the mother of the year award, but I had really worked hard today.

Tomorrow we have a soccer game at 1:00 and then a birthday party at 3:00. K3 has a baseball scrimmage at 1:30. I don't think we are going anywhere for Mother's Day. I gave my mom and Mrs. Putnam hanging baskets and cards on Wednesday after the concert. I just want to stay put for a day.

Next week, I have to teach Puberty lessons and HIV lessons to 5th graders on Tuesday and Thursday (also the following Monday and Tuesday). Wednesday I meet with the PE teacher from Camden and swap information for the track and field days (May 24th and May 25th). Only 14 1/2 days left of this school year. I hope I can make it in one piece......

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Well, I'll begin today by wishing Konnor and Shirley a very Happy Birthday! I'm sure that 8 years ago Aunt Shirley was thinking "oh joy, I get to share my birthday!" May and June are birthday months for both of our families. Mr. Putnam's (grandpa) birthday was yesterday, Konnor and Shirley's is today....Kraig's birthday is in June....and so is our anniversary. Don't forget to throw in Mother's and Father's day into the mix. The boys have a choir concert tonight so the "official" party will be held on Saturday after our soccer game. Tonight both sets of grandparents are coming for dinner and cake, of course, before the concert. Tonight should be a total blur.

Konnor and Chloe decided to play soccer last night when we got home from our scrimmage. She is actually quite talented. I think we may have another Air Bud on our hands. This is a quick shot of them after they had already ran around the yard forever. She was also pretty "pooped out". What a moose?!

Have you ever wondered what 60 cupcakes looks like? Where here you go! Konnor is in the multi-age classroom which is has many positive attributes, except when your bringing snack. I finally finished about what a lot of frosting and sprinkles. Of course, Konnor was in charge of sprinkles, so there are a ton on my floor in the kitchen. I figure people will pick them up on their feet and by next month there won't be any left.

The track and field dilema is solved. I guess, come to find out, Peter had been working on moving the HS meet to the college for a couple of weeks. Glad he let me in on that tidbit of info! I seriously could have had an anxiety attack or worse over that little scare. Glad things have been solved and their is nothing that has to be changed now. Got to go!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Is it only TUESDAY?!

How could such a great attitude (from all of the R&R this weekend) be squashed so quickly? Simply answered...have the HS call you and say that there is no way that you can have your 4th grade Track and Field day on the day you have it scheduled for. No lie...even though I have had a contract with them since NOVEMBER, they told me today that the League Track Meet was being hosted by HHS (known this since JUNE 05). I could not believe my ears! So now I am anxiously awaiting a solution to this definite problem. The worst part is the athletic director and his secretary are pointing the finger at each other and no one is taking the blame. Or even saying sorry for that matter. To make matter worse...he is the one that did my job for 4 years previously. He knows what goes into the planning of these two school track meets. Sigh!!!!! I feel like my chest is being sat on by an elephant. Possible solutions to this mess...move the HS track meet to the college (but former President Roche died this weekend and they are doing a hupla thing sometime next week)....take the track meet to Camden(which would involve a lot of hassle)...move the track meet to Tuesday (too many cruddy things to list as to why this stinks). So my friends thanks for the great weekend and unfortunately the "glow" didn't last as long I needed it to.

Is it only TUESDAY?!

How could such a great attitude (from all of the R&R this weekend) be squashed so quickly? Simply answered...have the HS call you and say that there is no way that you can have your 4th grade Track and Field day on the day you have it scheduled for. No lie...even though I have had a contract with them since NOVEMBER, they told me today that the League Track Meet was being hosted by HHS (known this since JUNE 05). I could not believe my ears! So now I am anxiously awaiting a solution to this definite problem. The worst part is the athletic director and his secretary are pointing the finger at each other and no one is taking the blame. Or even saying sorry for that matter. To make matter worse...he is the one that did my job for 4 years previously. He knows what goes into the planning of these two school track meets. Sigh!!!!! I feel like my chest is being sat on by an elephant. Possible solutions to this mess...move the HS track meet to the college (but former President Roche died this weekend and they are doing a hupla thing sometime next week)....take the track meet to Camden(which would involve a lot of hassle)...move the track meet to Tuesday (too many cruddy things to list as to why this stinks). So my friends thanks for the great weekend and unfortunately the "glow" didn't last as long I needed it to.

Monday, May 08, 2006

The BESTEST weekend ever!!

I had a very enjoyable weekend. Beth, Kandi, Jill, and I went to the Hamlin Camper on Saturday for a Scrappin' Campin' weekend. It was a blast! We started scrapping around 2pm and never finished until 12:30am. We stopped briefly for pizza and a photo shoot, but other than that we scrapped to our hearts content. It had been since January that we had all gotten together. I can't tell you how theraputic laughing is....and I'm not talking jolly giggling....but hold your belly, roll around on the ground, hope you don't wet your pants laughing. I am so pleased with my weekend project. I have been taking pictures of George and Sue's animals for three years now. I have always wanted to put together an album she could take with her to show of her "children". I started and finished it all! Wow, that was awesome. I also worked on some Shot Put and Soccer pages. Thanks for the wonderful weekend girls! Let's not wait 3 months to do it again.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Back to the doctor for 2 boys!

This is the barn that I will be moving into if these boys don't get better soon!

Kirk took K3 and Kraig back to the doctor today. I guess technically this was Kraig's first trip and Kirk's 2nd trip. I might have to re-think the title. Yeah, like I have time for that. NOT! K3 ended up having a sinus infection on top of his throat crap and Kraig has a sty. I looked this one up this morning because I haven't experienced it before....just an infection of a gland along his eyelid...I say just because it isn't contagious. He is hurting and not real happy that we are making him go back to school. K3 is on meds and should be getting better. Konnor ate a little more yesterday so that is a good sign.

There is one bummer to having the elementary day schedule....not getting done until 4. Kirk is in a track meet tonight in JNW and I won't be able to make in time to see him throw. We didn't go to Leslie on monday for the same reason. I am going to have to start working on next Friday schedule. He will be at JCW and the meet starts even earlier. It wouldn't be bad if he weren't in field events, but those are the first to go. So...I guess Konnor and I will go fishing tonight after school. We went on Wednesday and had a blast. He was very sad that the fish weren't biting at the cottage this last weekend. His confidence is restored. Talk later :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why did the turkey cross the road?

I have no idea...maybe to get to the other side?! How could I have been soooo stupid? When we were planning this scrapping camping girls weekend, I totally forgot the turkey season started on the 1st for Kirk. Ooppsss!! Lucky for me he is not that bent out of shape because he got the month long pass. Whew! that was close. I am looking forward to getting away with the girls and do some serious scrapping. Lucky for me all of my stuff is still packed from the Saturday trip in January that we did. Haven't touched a thing. My BAD! I need to find some photo organizer thingy because I keep ordering from snapfish and the little green folders keep piling up. That will probably be my first job of the weekend. I think I am going to work on a "Farm" book for my neighbor Sue. They are the most loving, generous neighbors anyone could have. I have been taking pictures of their mini's and llama for years and want to put them together for her. She took pictures of our house being built and gave us a little photo album. It was very thoughtful. I thought maybe she could take her pictures when she travelled.

On the sick front....Kirk3 is worse today. I think I may have to take him back into today. His throat is killing him and now his eyes hurt. Kraig woke up with what looks like the start of Pink Eye...Konnor throat is sore and he hasn't had much to eat in two days. You know he is hurting when he doesn't eat because that boy can sure put it away. I feel like they have been so healthy this year and now their all falling apart at the same time. Good news....20 1/2 days of school..... I think we are gonna make it?!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

From rags to riches....

It is amazing to me how well someone can clean up. Kayla looked great on Saturday for Prom. We looked at numerous dresses and finally decided this one was the best. She looked fabulous! She had a great game last night. Rough and aggressive is the name of the game...glad I had the chance to look at dresses with a girl....will probably be the last of that nonsense.

Monday, May 01, 2006

DMS track

Kirk3 had another track meet on Friday. He got second in shot and finished 1st in his heat for the 70 yd dash. I know he was disappointed with his throw. The boy from Coldwater threw 40'1/2"....that is really far. He was good.

Saturday, Kirk and I put mulch down in all of the flower beds. He mowed while Konnor and I had a soccer game. We barely snuck by with another win. I think Konnor had three goals again. It is hard to keep track of who shoots them in. Mom and Dad came down to watch. Kraig had his second baseball try-outs. Kirk3 just hung out with a friend.

Oh my aching back...and neck...and arms...and legs. Kraig, Konnor, and I went to the Lake yesterday to help mom and dad rake leaves, and get the cottage ready for fun. I raked for 4 hours and can barely move this morning. Kraig raked for about an hour and then lost interest...Konnor tried to fish but nothing was biting (water is still freezing)...fell in with his only set of clothes on....shot a new pellet gun grandpa got for him...and bugged the crap out of everyone because we weren't stopping to do stuff with him. All in all, we got a ton done (no literally, I think we raked a "ton" on leaves). It looks much better and there are only a couple areas that still need raked. I'd better get ya think I can teach from a chair today?!