If it is at all possible to still get tickets to the Lion King at the Wharton Center, I highly recommend it. It was fabulous!! The costumes, music, special effects were all superb. The boys were completely entranced by the whole thing. Konnor's favorite character was Simba as a boy. This boy was about 9 years old, and boy could he sing. My favorite characters were Pumba and Timone. They were very funny. It is amazing to me that people can actually put on such a great performance. Can you imagine how many hours go into making the costumes alone? It was definitely worth not being able to watch the Super Bowl tonight. I have done the grocery shopping, started laundry, and now I'm off to clean the toilets. Hippeee! Hope you had a great day!
wow, sounds like it was a fun time for you guys. so cool that your boys are at ages to enjoy something like this!!
cool! I didn't know that was where you were...I've missed you bloggin'! Nick and I plus one other boy are going on 3/3. Not sure which boy. A friend of mom's got three tickets for us. How cool is that? we're in the last row, but who cares, we'll be there!!
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