My Miss Chloe Ann of Hillsdale is in heat. Yipee...NOT! What a pain in the rear to have to keep her penned up when your so used to the freedom of underground fencing. Trying to explain why Chance is ok to be around and other dogs are not was the first interesting topic of conversation...the second was trying to explain why her bleeding was ok. Konnor assumed this was a bad thing....but we just said she was "practicing getting ready to have puppies". Sounded better at the time. Any other suggestions on how to explain it all without giving too much away? He seems content for now.
OOOOH that's a toughy....I say if he is content...let it be 8) I want a Chloe puppy!!
ewww, is she REALLY practicing to have puppies someday or are you planning to have her 'fixed'?? that is a good explanation though, keep it simple :)
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