Sunday, January 13, 2008

Inside vs. Outside KITTY!

Hey, what are you doing inside?

Why are your ears back? Don't you love me anymore?

Hey, your not being very friendly at all!

Hunter has been staying mostly inside since that last cold snap/snowstorm we had a few weeks back. I think she would be very happy to change her address permently to inside the house. Squirt, however, is still strictly outside. Yesterday morning I was sitting at the table enjoying my oatmeal and a book when they started this hilarious "play/fight" through the sliding glass door. I will have to say it was very amusing and I don't think that Squirt actually got the fact that she was not HAPPY to see him.


Beth said...

What cute pictures! :)

Donna said...

What was more entertaining: the book or the cat show?

Jill H said...

haha! the 2nd picture of Squirt's face is so sweet.

Kasandra said...

adorable pics!!