Saturday, December 29, 2007

OCD Closets

We now have two new OCD closets in our house. A few weeks ago Kirk2, Konnor, and I tackled the closet in the boys room. This week K2 redid K3's closet. The shelves look awesome but you know how much I love sorting through all those clothes.....NOT! It does feel good to get things like this done over Xmas break.

A Christmas Break to remember.....

Kraig in the horizontal position that lasted 7 days!

The trailblazer's front end after the telephone pole got in the way!

Not a really positive start to xmas break. Kraig came home sick with Strep on thursday and by monday had a secondary infection of his mouth. Needless to say, he did nothing but lay on the couch for 7 days. His mouth and lips were covered in blisters which made eating and drinking next to impossible. I think he said he lost 8 pounds this week. Konnor went to the doctor on Monday with a staph infection on his glutious maximus (butt). He too went on oral antibiotics and cream. Had a sore little tushy for a few days though. Then on Thursday we redid K3's closet. It looks great but the sorting was obnoxious! Thursday and Friday K3 had basketball tournament games. They came in 2nd. Could have won 1st but they played crappy on Friday. Before the game I was taking Kraig to a friends and slid into a telephone pole....hence the V looking front end. Of course, police report, insurance claim, and $1,500 estimate left me feeling anything but Christmas Cheer.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Week wrap-up

Kayla and Konnor's snowman....poor thing already lost his eyeballs.
Wednesday Kraig had his last basketball game against Albion. What a way to end a season?! They definitely can play basketball. Kirk3 had his Christmas Concert that night also. It was very nicely done. It featured the Jazz band, HHS band, both HHS Choirs, orchestra, and many solo performances. You definitely got your monies worth with this 2 1/2 hour performance. Kraig came home from school sick on Thursday with Strep throat. He is still out of it on the couch this morning. Now that school is done for a few weeks.....we have shifted into Operation Xmas mode. K2 is going out this morning to finish up shopping and then we have to quickly wrap everything before we start unwrapping on Monday morning at Putnam's. I am meeting my parents in Jtown tonight to celebrate my mom's birthday tonight. Happy Birthday MOM!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Kirk3 and his buddies before the Snowball Dance! Yes, I had to steal them from someone elses pictures because we weren't home.

Nothing is better than finding out about a snowday before you go to bed. What a relief!! We can bring the tree in tomorrow and get some things done that didn't get done because we were shopping.

It's beginning to look a lot like ......

a tundra! At least it sure is more snow than we have had in a long time. We woke up this morning and the first thing Konnor said was "you gotta see the snowman mom!" The poor thing was buried up to his eyeballs and only his arm made it out. I for one would like a snowday tomorrow but I know we won't be that lucky. Kirk and I did our annual Powershop Marathon. Seriously got to figure a better way to get our shopping done next year.....I know I said the same thing last year too. We left Hillsdale at about 9:30 and got back 12 hours later. Mr. and Mrs. P came down to watch the boys. We did get a lot accomplished but what a headache?! Today we worked our fannies off....literally. The guys all went out to shovel out this morning and I stayed inside to clean the house. I think I got the better deal. Then we pilled in the truck and plowed through the snow on the roads to go get our tree. Now the snow was actually thigh high in spots but we did manage to find a nice one. Definitely didn't look at every tree this year. It is now thawing out in a bucket in the garage. Hopefully we can find two seconds this week to get it in the house. Another reason for wanting a snowday tomorrow. This week there is at least 2 things going on each night. When will this crazy lifestyle end?!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

What's happening in our neck of the woods!

Kraig has had a few games already this season but I haven't had the chance to download these pictures. He has played very aggressively and done a good job on defense. The end scores have not left DMS the winners but the games have been fun to watch. K3's team came out on top against East Jackson tonight. I stayed home to go to Weight Watchers and to be with Kraig (home sick today with a bad headache). Good news for me though tonight because I met my lifetime goal (little gold key) and can now attend WW for the rest of my life for free as long as I stay within 2 lbs. of my goal weight. I haven't said much about my weight loss efforts but tonight is definitely worth mentioning. I have now lost 12 lbs. and have two more to go before I hit the original 10% body weight goal. YIPPEE!!


Sunday, December 02, 2007

What do you want for Xmas?

Picture of Grandma and Grandpa Warren at the Read to Me after Thanksgiving Program. The boys had to dress like Homeys......
hence the baller hat Konnor is sporting in this pic.

I think the only thing that would be on my list this week is a Body Double. Not a Double Body....I think I have pretty much taken care of that problem at Weight Watchers. I just need a know someone to stand in for me. I have too many places to be this week and not enough of me to go around. We have 4 games this week and a couple of Dr. Apts., Weight Watchers, choir concert, etc. that need to be done at the same time. Yikes!! Monday Kraig is at Albion and I also have an appointent at 4. Tuesday Kirk3 has a game at East Jackson HS and I have Weight Watchers before I can go to that game. K2 has an end of the year football meeting and won't be able to go to the game. Wednesday Kraig has a game at home. Thursday K2 has a dentist appointment in Jackson with the specialist, K3 has PT conferences, and Kraig has his DMS Choir Concert. Oh, boy! Friday K3 has a game at home. Yeppers, I really need a CLONE!