Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weekend Blur...

I don't think that too many people can appreciate how incredibly busy our lives are. I even have a hard time grasping it sometimes. This weekend was no exception....Friday night the Hornets lost a very disappointing game 26-21. We really only needed 1 more offensive play and I think we could have come out on top. K3 injured his neck on the one defensive play he went in for. Good news....he got the tackle...bad news ...he is still hurting today. I was most worried about him being able to turn his neck for his driving test on Saturday morning. Good news....he passed his driving test and he can go get his liscense in two weeks. K2 took Konnor to his soccer game because I was riding around in the back of K3's car trying not to talk....not an easy task for me. I had to sit on my hands and press my lips together. Konnor's team tied....he scored the last goal of the game. Yeah!! Then I got to spend a delightful day with Kay:) She had 2 soccer games at MSU so I went up to hang around with her for the day. She played great....however, MSU won the game. I was able to get a lot of great pics for her though. Today....well, today is another one of those catch up on everything that needs done before the week starts. The sun is shining and I am loving the wonderful breeze. This week is another crazy one. I will keep you posted. K:)


Beth said...

I feel your pain. Are you guys going to playoffs? How much more football? :) Hang in there crazy lady!

Kristin said...

Playoffs start this Friday. We are playing Dundee at Home 7 pm. It should be a good game. K:)