Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Fun

Konnor and I carved his pumpkin before he went to his Halloween party on Saturday night. We couldn't find the cool carving we decided to cut free hand....NOT a good idea! Quick picture of me after the Hornet Halloween walk through. I had to take the picture of me in Kayla's club soccer uniform. Not too shabby for 40?! be 19 again:)


Jill H said...

ok you look like you're ready to kick some butt on the soccer field!!! cool pumpkin too =)

Kasandra said...

I like the free hand pumpkin!! Very cool.

and you look just like one of the 19 yr olds out there- go get em Kristin!!

Beth said...

Um, you make me sick, thinking you need to do WW and you're wearing a 19 year olds soccer uniform? Shut up! Go KP!