Sunday, September 16, 2007

I need a double!

There isn't enough time in the day....days in the week....or weeks in the month to get everything done. I no sooner get the laundry done and put away and there is more piles staring me in the face. I no sooner get the house clean and there is something that needs done. I no sooner get dinner made and there are dishes that need to be done. Now I'm looking at 7PM on Sunday night....there is still vaccuming, laundry, bath for Konnor, lesson plans and who knows what else will pop up. I'm wiped out!! I have been plugging along since 9AM and haven't stopped once. I need a double.
K3 had a very exciting victory on Friday night against Leslie. The Hornets won in over time 29-22. Talk about a close one. Konnor had a victory on Saturday morning too. His team squeaked another one by 4-3. Kraig has his first "real" game on Wednesday against Parma Western (there). K3 has a game at home against Albion on Friday. And Konnor has yet another 9AM soccer game. Yipee!

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