Saturday, September 29, 2007

Great night for FOOTBALL!

K3 is the guy blocking straight up from 32 on the sidelines.

What a cool picture of K3 and his Dad/coach. I'm sure there will be more great memories of these experiences together.
Nothing beats a crystal clear cool night of football. The full moon was glowing last night as the Hornets dominated Columbia Central 61-14. The first string didn't play much last night.....because they didn't need to. We actually had a running clock for the entire 2nd half...always a good thing in football. We were home by 10:15....can't beat that!

1 comment:

Kasandra said...

Great pics...sounds like you had a great night!! Nothing beats a cool (not COLD), sratty sky night for a football game- and if you come out the winner it makes for an even better night.