Thursday, June 21, 2007


First let me start by saying Happy 13th Birthday to Kraig! He is definitely growing into quite the young man. Tuesday he had two molars pulled (yes, number 6 and 7 for him). He did a great job and spent the afternoon laying around on the couch watching movies and letting momma wait on him. Wednesday he was back to normal and ended up pitching at the baseball game. His team won both games (17-1 and 30-1). Poor other team! What to get a boy that has everything? I think we are going to cop out and do dinner and money.
Konnor's team also won last night 8-6. Konnor pitched the first 3 innings and ended up striking out 4 batters. He wasn't as accurate as usual but I sure couldn't do it.
K3 is back from Albion Basketball camp and starts his summer baseball season tonight. Yes, that means that Tuesday's are the only night we won't be sitting at a baseball game. Oh joy! Konnor and Kraig only have a few weeks left so it will only be crazy for awhile.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Happy Birthday Kraig! Yikes that means 6 months from today Cory will be 13 :| Hope he had a great day!!!