Friday, November 24, 2006

Basketball and birthdays

What do basketball and birthdays have in common? You can have a ball with both! I know that was a really bad joke, but I couldn't think of anything else. Monday and Tuesday Kraig had games at home and then Columbia Central. Neither game went very well, but it's still early in the season. We celebrated K2 birthday on Wednesday after school and practices. Kirk and I went to Saucy Dog with the Englishs and then we had cake and presents at home with the boys. The best part of the night was watching 2 1/2 hours of old family movies. Please tell me where those 15 years went????? There were some footage that had us rolling on the ground in tears. Konnor was a little twirked when we watched the tapes before he was born. He doesn't like the fact that we had fun without him. He also commented that we were a lot nicer back then. Hmmmm....could it be that they were a lot better behaved back then?!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

WW II book talk

Kraig had to give a book talk last week on a book that took place during WWII. Grandma Linda came to the rescue with authentic WWII uniform and newspapers from Pearl Harbor. Kraig did a great job and the uniform was definitely a plus...Thanks for helping out Grandma.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

In case you are wondering....

where in the World we are for the next 14 is the basketball schedule for the Putnam family.
SCHEDULE 2006-2007
11/20 KRAIG@H 4:30 WESTERN 11/21 KRAIG@CC 4:30




12/11 KRAIG@H ALBION 4:30 12/13KRAIG@ 4:30 WESTERN 12/15 KIRK@5:30 PORTLAND

12/18 KRAIG@H CC 4:30 12/19 KIRK@5:30 TECUMSEH 12/20 KRAIG@4:30 LESLIE
12/27 KIRK @ 5:15 JHS (READING) 12/28 KIRK@H PAT P - TBA


1/9 KIRK @ H 5:45 DUNDEE 1/10 KRAIG @ H4:30 STOCKBRIDGE 1/12 KIRK @ H 5:45 LESLIE

1/16 KRAIG@4:30 ALBION 1/17 KRAIG@5:00 HUDSON 1/19 KIRK @5:45 ALBION


1/30 KIRK@H 5:45 HOMER 2/2 KIRK@ 5:45 WESTERN

2/13 KIRK @5:45 JONESVILLE 2/16 KIRK@5:45 LESLIE



Hope to see you at some of the games. I can tell by the schedule above that I will definitely need to do something to ward off "bleacher butt" or I will be in trouble my Spring!!

So close....

Hornets were within the grasp of going to Ford Field for the football finals. Unfortunately, the offense could not complete the final pass in the endzone at 3.6 seconds left to play. The defense was amazing...holding Madison Heights to only 20 pts. There is no reason to hang our heads over this incredible season! K3 was disappointed by the loss, but was thrilled to have taken the field twice in the Semi Finals game as a freshman. Way to go K3!!

Friday, November 17, 2006

The tales of MICE and MEN

The bottom picture is a close up of the 2 newspaper articles K3 has made!

Or should that be "tails"?? Had a little mouse problem this week in the kitchen. Let me begin the story by saying "YUCK" "Double YUCK". I know I love all creatures big and small, but when they are somewhere they aren't supposed to be, like my kitchen, I get a little freaked out. I learned some important lessons about having mice in your house that I thought I would share.... 1st just because you have a cat doesn't mean they will actually catch the mouse...2nd the same cat would prefer to go upstairs and bug the hamsters in the cage then do its' job....3rd if you have mice in your kitchen chances are great they have built a large insulation nest in your broiler and insulation will make your house STINK.....and lastly, when you have one mouse you can pretty much figure that he has a friend. (this friend almost ran up k2's arm when he was checking out the fire location) I am happy to report there are 2 less mice in the world.

The other part of today's blog is about the MEN in my life....Kraig made 7th grade basketball (think I might have already mentioned that), K3 made the HHS JV Basketball team and didn't even make it to tryouts because he was practicing with the Varsity Football team, and Konnor has 2 more levels to go in Reading Recovery before we can stop the before school tutoring sessions. YEAh!!

Tonight I have to get everything organized for an early start for Gibraltor. Wish us luck and I'll keep you poste.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

On the road to Semi-Finals....

The countdown has begun....2 more days until the Hornets hit the road for Gibraltor to play Madison Heights. It will definitely be a day to remember, even if the outcome isn't favorable. I can't even begin to describe the tension that is in the air around here. I am physically exhausted and mentally drained. I have had to pitch in and keep up all of the household things that K2 usually helps me with. I know this is a good thing and all, but how much longer?

Sunday, November 12, 2006


Saturday was another great day for the Hornets. They came back from a 12 point deficit to beat Allendale 32-18. It was a great game. A little chilly, but still great. Kirk3 got to go in for 3 extra point attempts. We are anxiously awaiting the game location for Semi Finals on Saturday. I sure hope we can go all the way!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Just a bunch of whining......

I haven't posted all week because I was afraid it would come off as a bunch of whining and it probably still will. Tuesday my back went out. I was coming home from the Chiropractor and I slammed my fingers in the garage door trying to keep my runaway mutt in the garage. After a few choice words and crying, I decided that it didn't look broken and I would probably live. I actually forgot about my back hurting for a few minutes. What luck?! Wednesday I wore my back brace and shoved ice down my pants to work and watched my finger continue to swell. Thursday morning I had to go to the Jewelry store before work to have my wedding ring cut off because my finger was now a deep plum, almost black color. Not how I wanted to start my day.....Friday is looking up! Back is feeling better, but I'm still sporting an ice pack. Finger is now just bruised looking....and it's Friday, so that's a plus. Tomorrow is sub sale assembly at 6:30 AM, hair appointment at 9 in Holt, and 1:00 kick off for HHS at the college. Wow, tomorrow will be interesting. GO HORNETS!!!!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My baby is 15 today!!

Kirk and his friends at his campfire birthday party tonight. Yes, I did it alone because K2 was at a coaches meeting. I was feeling a little out numbered, but they are all great kids, so it was absolutely smooth sailing.

Happy Birthday wishes to my oh so special kid. K3 turned 15 years old today. I had to laugh last night when I was looking at the program for the District game. My 9th grader was the second biggest kid on the roster for HHS. Now, this is only funny and amazing to me, because I can remember the day 15 years ago (like it was yesterday) when they told me they were taking my new baby away and shipping him to a bigger hospital. I had to spend 10 grueling days without him. My preemie is now 5'11" and 245 pounds. Not really the picture you have in your mind when you think about a preemie now is it?!

HHS Varsity won Districts last night. Kirk3 got on the field 2 times for the extra point attempt team. It is so thrilling to watch him play with the Varsity. What a great experience for him.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

7th graders finish season on a win!

I guess it was a pretty exciting game last night. The 7th graders were able to score in the last 20 seconds to take the lead over Stockbridge. Kraig had some key tackles and did a great job playing. He now has 2 days off before basketball season begins on Monday. Oh, will this ever end?!

I can hardly believe that it is Thursday....this week has definitely been a blur. Monday night was our Hornet Howling walk through. The kids wear their costumes and go from station to station around the decorated HHS hallways. Hillsdale does not allow their students to wear costumes to school. This is their compromise. I will post pictures later of the referee and ghoul.

Tuesday night was mad dash from football practice to trick or treating. K2 and K3 had practice at the college from 5-8PM, so the boys and I did the candy gathering alone. We met up with another family and walked for miles and miles and miles. OK, maybe only a couple, but it felt like more.

Wednesday night I took Konnor to Varsity practice so I could get some running done. There were way too many things accumulating on my TO DO list that weren't happening. He had fun playing with the other coaches sons and I got some things accomplished.

Tonight is another late practice for K2 and K3. I think that Konnor and I will get a movie and try to catch up on housework and laundry. Tomorrow night Kayla is babysitting so Kirk can go scouting with the guys and I am going to Ohio to watch Jen be inducted into her HS Hall of Fame for track. It's a 3 hour drive and we are leaving as soon as work gets done. We have been teasing her that we are bringing signs and cow bells to this "civilized" function. I don't think she feels we are too funny.

That brings us to Saturday and Sunday....Saturday night at 7:30 is the 2nd Playoff game for HHS. The game is being held at the college due to the incredible damage done last week to the field. The coaches party is at our house afterwards. I sure hope we WIN! Sunday is K3 birthday. He will be 15 years old. That is completely amazing since it feels like he was just born yesterday. I haven't quite figured out how we're celebrating, but I'm sure it will come to me.