I know that Kirk and I should be very thankful that we have such well-rounded boys.....but, holy moly are we on the move. I went to Coldwater on Monday for Kraig's game. Kirk had stayed home from school with Konnor (stomach) that day, so I went alone. His team ended up winning in overtime and it was a very exciting game. After the game, he and I went to Dunhams to get him some different basketball shoes. Come to find out he had outgrown his "new" basketball shoes we purchased before camp this summer. He had been shoving his feet into shoes that were 1 and 1/2 sizes too small. No wonder he always said his feet hurt. Oooppsss!
Tuesday night was the JV basketball opener at Quincy. Kirk did a great job. He doesn't play a ton because he and Kurtis are the only Freshman, but still enough to make it a great learning experience. Their team also won.
Tonight is Kraig's choir concert at 7. We will pick him up from basketball practice at 6:15 and then turn around and have him back to school by 6:45. Whew!!! life is sure hectic. Kirk3 had 6 AM practice today and pictures at 5PM, so he will get to go tonight.
Kirk and I our going to do our annual "Shop to you Drop" Christmas shopping this weekend. I think we are getting our tree Friday, Shopping on Saturday, and who knows what on Sunday (except for K2's coaches meeting at 4) Yes, football season 2007 has already begun.
holy moly, this made me tired :P good luck with your shopping trip this weekend, hope it goes well!!!
Oh my gosh. You are running! Good luck shopping. I miss you!!! :)
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