The bottom picture is a close up of the 2 newspaper articles K3 has made!
Or should that be "tails"?? Had a little mouse problem this week in the kitchen. Let me begin the story by saying "YUCK" "Double YUCK". I know I love all creatures big and small, but when they are somewhere they aren't supposed to be, like my kitchen, I get a little freaked out. I learned some important lessons about having mice in your house that I thought I would share.... 1st just because you have a cat doesn't mean they will actually catch the mouse...2nd the same cat would prefer to go upstairs and bug the hamsters in the cage then do its' job....3rd if you have mice in your kitchen chances are great they have built a large insulation nest in your broiler and insulation will make your house STINK.....and lastly, when you have one mouse you can pretty much figure that he has a friend. (this friend almost ran up k2's arm when he was checking out the fire location) I am happy to report there are 2 less mice in the world.
The other part of today's blog is about the MEN in my life....Kraig made 7th grade basketball (think I might have already mentioned that), K3 made the HHS JV Basketball team and didn't even make it to tryouts because he was practicing with the Varsity Football team, and Konnor has 2 more levels to go in Reading Recovery before we can stop the before school tutoring sessions. YEAh!!
Tonight I have to get everything organized for an early start for Gibraltor. Wish us luck and I'll keep you poste.
sounds like the men in your life are doing well =) that's good news!! GO HORNETS! hope they win tonight, have fun Kristin!!! i'm laughing at '2 less mice in the world'...Moe was playing with one in the yard this morning. glad you got 'em out of your kitchen.
Hey chick, make that 4 less...we had two dead ones today too! EWW. Have a great day tomorrow...hope Hillsdale can pull out another W I N!!!
Thats me on the fridge! with Shawn of course =) Im glad I got to watch so many of Kirks games this year. <3 K
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