I had the opportunity to spend the day at Hornet football camp today. I had to drive the bus driver from Hillsdale to camp. Today they took the boys to Fort Custer State Park where we had a picnic and the boys got to cool off in the lake. Mr. OHearan and myself cooked 240 hamburgers for more than 80 guys. Let's just say, I really don't want to even see a hamburger for a couple of months or more. The flames were so high and hot the hair on our hands and forearms singed(sp) off. I also learned not to wear khakis and mascara. The tears from the smoke where streaming down my face and the shorts are covered in splattered grease. All in all it was a very nice day. I had never been on base which was really fun to see what I had only heard stories about. Of course, my husband and son really didn't chum around with mom....but I guess I should have expected that.
Cool pictures. Wow, 240 burgers must have made my bringing the kids down monday night seem easy? :) You're such a good Mom!!!
you are so involved, Kristin!! and i was gonna bring hamburgers Friday night!
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