Monday, August 21, 2006
Miss Chloe is recoverying nicely. Back to her old self....this was the day after the surgery....didn't look too happy did she?!
Putnam Update

OK, so it's not my fault that the computer has crashed...the network has been down at school...and I haven't been connected for days. You don't know how much you miss the computer when it's not there. We are on the major countdown....14 days until where did that summer go?! I got the carpets cleaned last night and washed the curtains on the main floor. Today I mowed and trimmed the yard. Tomorrow I will tackle the upstairs curtains. K2 and K3 started normal practice today. We have our first games this week. Konnor also has his first game on Saturday. I think I need to find a clone or a live in maid to get everything accomplished.
I still don't know where I am teaching this year. Both rooms are ready to go. I don't know if they have any idea how stressful this whole situation is???? I am about ready to loose my hair! Hope everything is going well in your neck of the woods. I hope to have email back by Tuesday.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Putnam's 2006 football schedule
Just in case you are wondering where we are on any given Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday night.2006 HORNET FOOTBALL SCHEDULE WEDNESDAY (KRAIG) THURSDAY (KIRK 3) FRIDAY (KIRK 2)
WEEK 1 (8/24) N/A JV @ H HUDSON 6:00 V@ HUDSON 7:00
(8/31) N/A JV@ HAMILTON 6:30 V @ H HAMILTON 7:00
(9/7) N/A JV @ H LESLIE 6:30 V @ LESLIE 7:00
(9/14) N/A JV @ H ALBION 6:30 V @ ALBION 7:00
(9/27) 7TH @ H WESTERN 4:30 JV @ STOCKBRIDGE 6:30 V @ H STOCKBRIDGE 7:00
(10/4) 7TH @ H HOMER 4:30 JV @ H WESTERN 6:30 V @ WESTERN 7:00
(10/11) 7TH @ H LESLIE 4:30 JV @ MONTROSE 6:00 V @ H MONTROSE 7:00
(10/18) 7TH @ CONCORD 4:30 JV @ H QUINCY 6:30 V @ QUINCY 7:00
WEEK 1 (8/24) N/A JV @ H HUDSON 6:00 V@ HUDSON 7:00
(8/31) N/A JV@ HAMILTON 6:30 V @ H HAMILTON 7:00
(9/7) N/A JV @ H LESLIE 6:30 V @ LESLIE 7:00
(9/14) N/A JV @ H ALBION 6:30 V @ ALBION 7:00
(9/27) 7TH @ H WESTERN 4:30 JV @ STOCKBRIDGE 6:30 V @ H STOCKBRIDGE 7:00
(10/4) 7TH @ H HOMER 4:30 JV @ H WESTERN 6:30 V @ WESTERN 7:00
(10/11) 7TH @ H LESLIE 4:30 JV @ MONTROSE 6:00 V @ H MONTROSE 7:00
(10/18) 7TH @ CONCORD 4:30 JV @ H QUINCY 6:30 V @ QUINCY 7:00
Kristin's Arc

I figure I will soon be getting the phone call telling me where I am going to be now that I have spent 3 days getting DMS room ready. I have my tank of Giant African Millipedes ready (found 3 babies in the bottom of the tank, VERY exciting!)...I went to meet with my "Bug Lady" contact in Lansing yesterday and now have the Hissing Cockroaches ready too. I also acquired 6 baby mice that were way too cute to pass up on. When your putting a science room together on a budget of $0 you will take any handouts you can get. I can't tell you how GOOD it feels to be back in the science mode. Another reason I think I will get the call that sends me back to PE.
In other news....Football is in full force this week. K2 and K3 are at practice from 7 AM to at least 1:30 PM....with coaches meeting following practice. This Friday we travel to Summerfield for a scrimmage. K3 starts around 4 and K2 starts at 6....what a long day that will be. And where the heck is Summerfield anyways?!
Konnor and I started soccer last night. We have moved up to U10....larger field....bigger goals...and alot more running. Konnor's stamina was pretty pathetic. He is so used to riding 4 wheelers and dirt bikes for pleasure, he doesn't spend a lot of time running. We will definitely need to start running more.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Blue-Gold Scrimmage

Saturday morning started early for the HHS football teams. They had their annual Blue-Gold scrimmage that is the kick off to the season. After the game, the guys sell Gold cards which have discounts to area businesses. Kraig has always enjoyed going out and selling for the "Team Putnam" even though he doesn't HAVE to do it. This year Kraig and I broke last years record time. He sold all 20 cards and had the money turned in 30 minutes early. Whew! what a salesman he is! Ok, so maybe I had a little to do with it.....drove faster this year I guess?! He also had a career change after selling a card to our Vet's Wife. He decided that he would be a vet so he could have a huge house too. I still think that he will make a better Lawyer, since he loves to argue and can't let anything drop.
Friday, August 11, 2006
Week long wrap-up!

I want to start today's post by thanking my parents for keeping Kraig and Konnor for a few days this week. I am sure they thoroughly enjoyed the cottage. This summer has definitely been too hectic to even enjoy it! The men from Ft. Custer got back into town about 4PM yesterday. I am never prepared for the return ( alittle on the crabby side) I know they are tired and that it takes awhile to unwind, but YIKES! I had done half of their laundry on Wednesday night when I got home from camp. That sure made getting the rest of it done last night easier. I had them unpacked and laundry done by bedtime. We went to Cavoni's with K3 last night. Our favorite hangout when we don't have Konnor, too much milk.
Today the men where out the door by 6:45 for their 1st day of practice. They were doing their team picture first. It was a little chaotic for a bit this AM....not the peaceful mornings I was starting to get used to having. I am on my way to pick up the boys at the cottage. Later today, I am meeting Beth and Jill at Brown St. to scrap. Can't wait to get moving on stuff again. I have only done 1 page since the last time we met in June. How pathetic?!
Oh, yeah, job update a email back from Mr. Ames that said they still don't know where I will be teaching this year. Steve is checking into some possibilities of disability vs. retirement. I am going to Lansing on Tuesday to get some more cockroaches and millipedes from my "Bug Lady". I figure I will kick myself if I don't get DMS ready. Better to be safe than sorry!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Another trip to Ft. Custer

I really can't believe that I was willing to give up my "duty" free day to go to camp again today. It really was fun seeing little kirk in action and feeding 85 guys is an incredible undertaking. They are very complimentary and thankful for the food. Today we brought out the frozen icey treats and you would have thought they died and went to heaven. I decided to go because with this not knowing where I am going to be teaching this year, too many things were occupying my thoughts and I couldn't chill. Better to have the distraction of camp than go insane wondering and thinking about it.
I forgot to give the Chloe hip update ....the vet was right and she did fail on the left side. She has an appointment on Monday to be spade! Shhhh...I haven't told her yet.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Ft. Custer Football Camp

I had the opportunity to spend the day at Hornet football camp today. I had to drive the bus driver from Hillsdale to camp. Today they took the boys to Fort Custer State Park where we had a picnic and the boys got to cool off in the lake. Mr. OHearan and myself cooked 240 hamburgers for more than 80 guys. Let's just say, I really don't want to even see a hamburger for a couple of months or more. The flames were so high and hot the hair on our hands and forearms singed(sp) off. I also learned not to wear khakis and mascara. The tears from the smoke where streaming down my face and the shorts are covered in splattered grease. All in all it was a very nice day. I had never been on base which was really fun to see what I had only heard stories about. Of course, my husband and son really didn't chum around with mom....but I guess I should have expected that.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Thank You!

Just a quick thank you to Beth and Kyle for letting me share their little princess for 24 hours. We had a blast! She is incredibly cute and says some of the funniest things. What an imagination?! Kraig and she really hit it off. I almost had to wrestle her away from him a few times. She loved driving the tractor to see the horses. OK, so she called them cows a few times, but I will tried to ignore the slip up. Thanks again for the estrogen fix!

Riddle of the day: What do you get when you take one swimming pool and add in 8 kids.....give up???? A big WET ZONE! The Hamlin kids and Beth came down tonight after work to visit. It was a short but productive visit...and I think that fun was had by all( OK, beth and i probably would had more fun with a few less kids and a few more drinks). The kids seemed to enjoy eating pizza and playing in the pool. Our summer schedules have be so chaotic that we haven't had a chance to get together like we normally do during the summer. It was especially funny to watch the oldest two interact. It was almost if they were posturing for male dominance?! How funny!!! I hope that we can get together again before "scxxxx" starts....too soon in August to actually say the word.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
The makings of a farm girl......

Can you feel the estrogen flowing? I can!! I happened to stumble across this all too cute little girl on the way home from a visitation in Chelsea today. I called to see if Corey would like to come home to stay with Kraig until Beth came down on Monday for dinner and a swim. Unfortunately, Corey had his cousins over. So I said, "well then can I have Madi?" And guess what? I have Madi for 24 hours. We have already been shopping for clothes (and boy does she know how to shop)....she drove us to the barn on the tractor....and we got to visit the Mini's. Oh, yeah, and we painted our toe nails while watching a movie with Kraig and Kayla. What a fun night! Hopefully I will be able to keep up with her on Monday. She choose to sleep with "big Kraig" (what she calls him...too funny) over me. She said it was because "he luvs her!" He's not the only one Madison!
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Great Week!

I wanted to post pictures from PAC camp, but I can't get the freakin' card reader to work right now. I guess you'll have to settle for another sunset picture for the time being. The boys finished PAC camp yesterday. They had a great week. Lots of fun activities and no injuries, Hooray! The gears quickly shifted from PAC to football....K2 is already at Fort Custer lining the fields and unloading equipment. I am supposed to be going to Binder Park Zoo to meet with "the bug lady" (my contact for my exotic bugs). I am having a very difficult time getting motivated though. It feels good to not be running somewhere. Yesterday I found out that the man that was taking my PE position is in VERY poor health and may not be teaching this year. I'm now back on the Career rollercoaster and I don't know where I will be teaching this year. I hate it!! Not knowing stinks! I had accepted the fact that I was going back to DMS and was ok with I have to wait and wonder some more. Not that I don't feel bad for the man, but I don't do change well.
The boys and I are supposed to be heading to the cottage to hang out with Kevin, Shirely, Mom and Dad after the zoo. I would really like to skip the zoo and head to the cottage. Also my dad's great aunt died on Thursday and we have visitation on Sunday and the funeral Monday (in Chelsea). I think I will go to the visitation on Sunday with Grandma Abbie. K2 and K3 will set sail for camp at 6 Sunday PM so they get to pass on both days.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Putnam household update....

Just another quick shot of vacation. Why does it look like I was goosed by a seagull. My chiropractor would be proud of my posture though.
Plop...plop....fizz...fizz oh what a relief it is?! This isn't a commerial for antacid but the feeling I had Monday morning. This was the first time in 6 years I haven't been sweating bullets and completely frazzled the first morning of PAC camp. Konnor became an all day camper this year and I thought it was appropriate to take a year off. I am still helping monitor the pool and making 2 dozen cupcakes, but that is sooooo small in comparison to the 100's of hours I usually put in this week. The boys have had a blast. Kirk3 is a CIT(Counselor in Training) this year. Kraig is in squad 7A and gets to go tubing as their extra activity tonight. Konnor finally gets to fish, do archery, swim everyday, etc. He begged me for 3 years to take the midgets fishing, but I couldn't swing it with 42 campers (ages 4-7).
You would think that would give Kirk and I sometime to hang out and "chill" for the week. WRONG!! I woke up on Monday morning to drill sargent Putnam. I think that now football season is starting, he is just in that mind set. Monday I stained some more of the deck (major sun burn)....Tuesday we washed and waxed the vehicles....Today (well he hasn't quite found me yet to give me a list) We did get up at 6 though to walk this morning. I'm trying to hide out upstairs for a bit since I haven't checked my mail or blogged yet this week.
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