The title of this post can also be sung to the popular tune..."it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"...for anyone feeling extra joyous this morning. What an absolutely beautiful day! Konnor spent the entire day riding dirt bikes with Drew. They play so well together because their interests are so similiar and neither one of them ever sits down. Konnor usually gets frustrated with his buddies when they come over and only want to play video games or watch TV (both activities that Konnor RARELY does).
The big boys took a few breaks from homework to shoot hoops. I think they actually took more breaks than they studied, but how could you blame them (with snow in the forecast for Tuesday they didn't get a lot of guff from us) .We were trying to get ahead on homework this weekend because we are planning on going to watch HHS at their Regional game at the Kellogg Center on Tuesday.
Kirk and I spent the afternoon working on any project we could find outside. He spent most of his time trying to find out why my trailblazer smells like burnt toast (gross smell). He discovered that I have a little unwanted "passenger" who is carrying dog food into the engine compartment. Hopefully he got enough of it blown out that it won't stink anymore. I, on the other hand, gave the dogs a bath. Chloe was sooo dirty her water was running black. Did you know she is a light golden? I had forgotten that little fact until she was clean again.
fun, fun, fun!! love those pictures. ya gotta enjoy the nice weather while you can, esp. w/snow on the way :(
I'm with you about being outside, especially for the kids, they actually fought very little this weekend...because we were nicely SPREAD OUT!!! Glad you had a good weekend!
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