Monday, March 03, 2008

should be BACK to normal in 6 months!

these two Snowbirds spent 4 hours at the pool on Sunday.....boy do I feel sorry for them?! NOT!!

.....K3 had his appointment at the Chelsea Brain and Spine Institute last Tuesday. We met with a great lady. She told K3 that he could come out of this stronger, leaner, and tougher than he was going into the injury. She was empathetic about baseball but still said NO WAY. Kirk is now going to physical therapy 3 times a week and going to the college to use the recumbent bike and pool at least 5 times a week. I hope that he can settle into a routine that feels good for him. He is so used to playing and practicing "full out" that this less strenuous approach is nagging at him.


Jill H said...

that's cool, at least he'll be able to keep active. i hope it all works out for him!

Beth said...

Ditto Jill. Be good and follow her you'll be quicker to recover!

Donna said...

The water looks awesome. If I close my eyes I can picture us hanging out in the pool and the hot tub chatting with all the old"er" men. I wish I were Ron and Mary right now

Kasandra said...

the pool pic does look quite appealing to us stranded in the snow land.
Hang in there Kirk-great news that you are still able to keep active! Remember - it could be worse.