Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Finally made it!

Konnor shows off for the camera one last time this winter before the warm weather comes in later this week and melts our skating rink in the front yard (mother nature made skating rink that is). He was quit entertaining doing all the 360's and drifting.

I took 3 months to loose the last pound but I finally met my 10% goal for Weight Watchers yesterday. It was a constant struggle and Im very happy that it is over. Now I can just maintain my weight and be happy with loosing 14 pounds.


Jill H said...

good for you, Kristin!!

cool 4-wheeler picture too :)

Kasandra said...

Congrats, Kristin. I am still plugging along trying to lose the many that found me. :-)
Now do you have a mud hole instead of a skate rink?

Beth said...

way to go kp. love the konnor pic with the snow flying out from tires.

Beth said...

Did you quit? :(

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