Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat?



Well, I would say Konnor did most of the tricking and Kraig did most of the treat. Konnor and Drew decided to scare people and not trick or treat this year. Here is Konnor in the coffin getting ready to jump out at his next victim (he made 2 girls run and cry.....felt a little bad about that) and Drew acting like a deranged monster animal in the pen. Kraig and a group of his friends dressed up as the Austin Power movie theme. I will have to say Kraig definitely looked great. Grandma did a great job on the matching pants.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Halloween Fun

Konnor and I carved his pumpkin before he went to his Halloween party on Saturday night. We couldn't find the cool carving we decided to cut free hand....NOT a good idea! Quick picture of me after the Hornet Halloween walk through. I had to take the picture of me in Kayla's club soccer uniform. Not too shabby for 40?! be 19 again:)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

1st round of playoffs.....WIN!

Getting ready for the BIG game! Equipped with his defensive player of the week wrist band :)

The Hornets looked great last night as they defeated Dundee 38-14. We travel to Onsted on Saturday night at 7 pm in the second round of playoffs. It is an exciting and very tense time around our house.

In other news....Konnor's team won 10-0 this morning in a very wet and cold season finale. Konnor didn't have any goals but had some great assists. We will now have a break from soccer until Spring.

Kraig made State Honors choir and will now begin traveling around the state of Michigan for rehearsals. He starts his trek next weekend in Midland and then Holland two weeks after that. The final concert is sometime in January at the DeVos Center. Pretty exciting adventure.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Isn't he adorable?!

Looking pretty comfy there Mr. Putnam! Kirk and his friend Sarah at a bom-fire.

8th grade Foodball Season Finale

The 8th grade Hornet team was able to win the last 3 games of the season, giving them a 3-3 record. Kraig had a great game on Wednesday night. He was definitely pumped up for that one. Tonight the Varsity Hornets take on Dundee at Home for the first round of the Division 5 playoffs. Hopefully the rain will hold out long enough for game. Good Luck Hornets!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Technology....isn't it grand!

So I was creeping around on some of Kirk's friends facebook sites last night and ran across this cute picture. The HS had a dress up Halloween dance on Saturday night. K3 and a couple of his buddies.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Weekend Blur...

I don't think that too many people can appreciate how incredibly busy our lives are. I even have a hard time grasping it sometimes. This weekend was no exception....Friday night the Hornets lost a very disappointing game 26-21. We really only needed 1 more offensive play and I think we could have come out on top. K3 injured his neck on the one defensive play he went in for. Good news....he got the tackle...bad news ...he is still hurting today. I was most worried about him being able to turn his neck for his driving test on Saturday morning. Good news....he passed his driving test and he can go get his liscense in two weeks. K2 took Konnor to his soccer game because I was riding around in the back of K3's car trying not to talk....not an easy task for me. I had to sit on my hands and press my lips together. Konnor's team tied....he scored the last goal of the game. Yeah!! Then I got to spend a delightful day with Kay:) She had 2 soccer games at MSU so I went up to hang around with her for the day. She played great....however, MSU won the game. I was able to get a lot of great pics for her though. Today....well, today is another one of those catch up on everything that needs done before the week starts. The sun is shining and I am loving the wonderful breeze. This week is another crazy one. I will keep you posted. K:)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

How low?

SOLO....yep, Kraig Putnam aka solo man....sang a solo at the concert on Tuesday night. Of course, Kirk and I were kept in the dark about this and didn't take a camera. We are anxiously waiting for Gwen to send us a picture.....she had her camera. He thought it would be a great surprise....well, camera! This Saturday he is trying out for the State Honor's Choir. Good luck solo man!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Hornets defeat Fremont in Fremont Indiana....I know why would we even have a game in Indiana? Turned out to be a beautiful night to watch football though. The little black bugs caused a little bit of an issue but this nuisance was overcome by zipping my jacket up to my chin and covering up with a blanket. Yes, it was 71 degrees, but the bugs were horrible. I'm still itchy this morning. Kraig had a great game with many solo tackles. Sorry didn't get pictures of those. I am hoping my girlfriend did though. The Hornets were able to pull off a 34-6 win. Kraig announced on the way home "they are undefeated outside the state of Michigan!" Good way to look at it I guess. His last game is Wednesday at Home.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Soccer and Pumpkin Party

Saturday we were off and running like always. Konnor and I had a soccer game in the morning. He was able to score twice with both sets of grandparents looking on. Then we had the pumpkin party at 4. Lots of fun was had by all. It really didn't feel right without my Madi and Kaila this year. Konnor is off and running from the minute we get there until we leave. No one to hand out last year. He even upped the anty this year and was on the spooky trail equiped with a mask and silly string. Needless to say he had a blast.
This week at a glance....Monday Kraig has a game in Fremont idea why?! Tuesday is football practice for both, weight watchers for me, and a choir concert at 7:30. Wednesday is football game at home for Kraig......Thursday soccer for Konnor and I, JV football game for everyone else, and Friday we travel to Montrose for the last regular season Varsity game. Saturday soccer at 9 am for Konnor, up to MSU for Kayla's game, and Kirk3 takes his driver's training road test. YIKES!! So needless to say probably won't get a lot of other things done besides life this week.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Proud to be a Parent!

when did I get sooo short?

Tonight was parent's night at HHS. Before the game we all gathered on the track and were introduced with our sons. It was really great to see all of the families that support their boys. We were in order by number and had to keep shifting down the track their were so many people. At one point we thought we were going to be around the curve. LOL Donna (THANKS!!) read my mind and came down to snap a few pictures.....I hadn't even thought ahead to ask photography skills stink this year. The Hornets had another 41-0 shut out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A lot can happen in 22 years!

Sometimes it amazes me when I stop to think of all the things that have happened in the last 20 or so years. I know when you reach the top of the hill everything starts a rapid decent. I had Mrs. Putnam find me this picture of K2 and myself during our senior year. I think it is kind of cool that they have the same number.... only 22 years apart. OK, so I'm a little bit sentimental about that number.....those were the days!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

SMAA Title clinched!

Friday night's 44-0 win against Stockbridge clinched the league title for the Hornets. We had a running clock the entire 2nd half. Always a nice plus when the games go so fast.

This was a great picture of the Kirks before the game. So much fun to see K3 turning into a good Varsity football player. Did I mention that K3 has K2's number from H.S.? I will have to see if I can dig up a picture to post.

Friday, October 05, 2007

That's my BOY!

My girlfriend got a great picture of Kraig on Wednesday night that I thought I would share. That' s my boy fighting with all his might to strip that ball. Way to go Kraig! As you can tell her camera is much more powerful than I appreciate the angle.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Tough battle comes up short....

Kraig is #78 on the end looking so cool!

The 8th grade Hornets battled the Leslie Blackhawks Wednesday night. We couldn't seem to get around their unstoppable defense. Kraig played well and usually ended up blocking his guy and then someone elses too. We had a lot of turnovers and mistakes that didn't help the 22-0 defeat.

Why didn't I think of that?

What a pair of goobers?! Konnor got these Halloween stickers from the Eye doctor on Tuesday....yes, he is now wearing his contact daily. Not a choice anymore but necessity....his vision has gone backwards in the last year from his lack of wearing his glasses or contact.

So on the way home from school today this is how they entertained themselves. Why didn't I think of this cheap Halloween mask idea???

Monday, October 01, 2007

The NEW Cottage on Crooked Lake

What an exciting time for my mom and dad! The construction has begun on the NEW cottage. I think that they may have doubted their thinking during all of the demolition of the old cottage(very hard to see it disappear after being the gathering spot for the family for so many years) but now that the NEW cottage is progressing.....they are so happy! I can't wait to see it when it is finished.