Monday, April 09, 2007

Never too old to play ball!

I think one of the neatest things about visiting my mom and dad in their "gated community" is watching people of all ages stay active. This is the Softball game K3 and Kraig played in on Saturday morning. There were players of all ages and all shapes and sizes. I have to give some of them a lot of credit for trying.....I know some young people that couldn't do as well as they do. I hope that I will have enough spunk in my step to keep playing later in my life. The announcer had nicknamed Kraig "Showtime" after the first inning. Hmmmm.....I wonder why he would call him that?! NOT!! Konnor chose fishing during the tournament. Can't say that I blame him. This is the Bullhead he caught on bacon of all things. Tune in tomorrow for Sunday's recap.


Beth said...

Sounds like FUN! Great pictures!! :)

Kasandra said...

looks like you had a great time....welcome home.