Sunday, November 25, 2007
The NEW cottage on Crooked Lake!!
Just the boys!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Lordy, Lordy Look who's 40!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Football Banquet 2007
*K2 took Thursday and Friday off to hunt. Only saw 3 deer total and obviously none were freezer worthy so he was kind of bummed.
*He also spent Saturday morning in the Dentist with an infection in his jaw above his root canal/crown. Extremely painful....he spent the rest of the weekend on the couch hopped up on Tylenol 3 with Codiene.
*Saturday I cleaned (really, really cleaned) and did laundry. Seemed like I was more busy than that but I can't think of anything right now.
*Sunday I did the grocery shopping....went to Bunco at Misty's in Jackson (her last Bunco with the group...makes me very sad :(
*Sunday night was spent at the Football Banquet. It was kind of a bummer ending to our season so things weren't all that cheery. Hooey was there which was nice to see him back on his feet (or foot and crutches) again.
I think that I was a bear (hibernation) in my former life because I sure haven't felt like being very productive. Probably doesn't help that the back is still a little sore and seems to ache after doing too much activity. I hope that goes away soon. This week is short but busy. Kraig has a home game tonight, an away game tomorrow night, and K2 turns 40 on Thursday so we are going out to dinner on Wednesday. Good thing that Thanksgiving dinner is at Mrs. Putnam's so I don't really have to worry about getting anything else done. Hope everyone has a great relaxing holiday.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday night date!

Sunday, November 11, 2007
I've been a blogger pooper!

So I haven't posted for over a week now and I need to get back on track. During K3' s and Kevin's b-day party last Sunday, I put my back out. I'm not talking about ouch....I got a booboo. But OMG it HURTS!! Can't stand up straight....can't sit on both cheeks....can't stand for more than 2 minutes....OUCH! I spent Monday on the couch with ice in my pants (yeah, Konnor decided to pick that day to stay home from school with a fever, sore throat, etc) and 2 trips to the chiropractor. Tuesday I had a sub, gave up my sub to a class that didn't have a sub, and then spent the rest of the day in sooo much pain I hated myself for giving the sub up. Tuesday after work, I had a short massage....couldn't stand to be in the lay down position too long and by Wednesday I could get almost straight. I wore my back brace and ice pack all week to work. I am still sore....but not even close to the amount of pain I was in. I did too much today and am paying now, but oh well, tomorrow is a new week.