Got the almost the whole fam in this one! (Konnor, K3, and K2)

Konnor doing his Waterboy job!

There probably isn't anything sweeter than a Homecoming VICTORY. The Hornets were able to beat the undefeated Wildcats 44-2. Yes, the coaches were not really excited that we allowed them the 2 point safety. Kirk was able to played on his injured ankle without much difficulty. I am sure that once the adrenaline gets flowing the pain lessens. His ankle is now a pretty shade of purple....but that is ok because it means the blood is finally surfacing.
This week we travel to Columbia Central not once but twice. Kraig plays there on Wednesday and Kirk on Friday night. Too bad I have to work or I could just stay at the stadium for a couple of nights.
Monday is Fair Day in Hillsdale County. Yep, you guessed it.....the kids get the day off to go to the fair and the teachers have professional development all day. Mom is coming down to take the boys to the fair after she and dad
close on the NEW COTTAGE!! Yippee!!!!