Thank God it's the LAST friday in this month! I know I thought June would be better than May as far as scheduling goes.....but take a look at that calendar! YUCK!! The exciting news is that July does look a lot better. We will be wrapping baseball within the 1st 2 weeks of July for at least Konnor and K3. K3 had a double header last night and they mercied them both games. They are fun to watch.
Report cards came in the mail today. We couldn't be more pleased with their hard work. K3 had 3 A's and a B- (3.64) while Kraig had all A's (3.93). I guess all the nagging and eye rolling is worth the end result. Just wish we didn't have to push so hard.
Exciting changes on the home front.....we are painting the walls on the first floor. I already have it in my mind that the 2nd floor will be next, but I haven't mentioned that to Kirk yet. We are trying to step out of the "beige and white" BOX and add some color in our house. I absolutely LOVE the kitchen color. So happy and bright. I wasn't supposed to paint that wall while K2 was at the weight room this morning but I couldn't help myself.....MY BAD!