I can't tell you how excited I was for school to be over on Friday. This week was draining....quick picture of ACES...All Children Exercise Simultaneously. Of course this event falls under that unwritten job description of the PE teacher. Friday morning all 390 plus students walked around the back playground for 20 minutes. It is really cool to watch everyone working out at once. This year we tallied 700.75 miles, just under last year's total.
K3 had a double-header at Home friday night against Harper Creek. The first game was good...but unfortunately we fell short both times.
Saturday Konnor had a soccer game. We lost 5-3, but played really well. Kraig had a baseball tournament in Edon OH. K2 went with him while I stayed home and cleaned the house, did laundry, and took Konnor and Drew fishing.
Sunday- more baseball for Kraig at home today. He will have a double header that starts at 12 and then Konnor will have batting practice at 5 same location. Whew!! tired already.
This week at a glance....Monday K3 baseball at Bronson, Kraig track at Western, Konnor baseball practice at FOD (Field of Dreams)...Tuesday- K3 baseball at home, Konnor soccer practice....Wednesday Konnor make up soccer game....Thursday K3 baseball at home....then who knows. Oh, yeah throw Konnor's 9th birthday into the mix on Thursday....Aunt Shirleys bitrthday on the 10th also...Grandpa Kirk's birthday on the 9th and Mother's day (both sides) at our house on the 13th! HAVE A HAPPY SPRING WEEK!!