I can't believe what a stressful day I had yesterday....hence the reason I am applying for a Greeter job at Walmart. I had a girl-boy fight in the morning that included hair pulling, face scratching, clothes ripping, etc. Not a pretty sight. Then my really naughty Kdg. girl (I swear she is possessed) decided to go on a pinching and hitting spree and then told me "it was an accident". OK, maybe she has terrets of the hands?! NOT!! The afternoon started off fine and then a boy that I had asked numerous times to sit down, be quiet, and keep his hands to himself decided it would be appropriate to tell me "he was going to punch me in the face if I yelled at him again". Of course, Scott (the principal) was in a manifestation hearing and could not deal with the situation, so I had to snap suspend him per the 2nd in charge (Mr. Coakley). When the mom came to get him, I tried to explain what had happened and she then decided that it must have been my fault that Burley snapped so easily.....excuse me??? She said I was getting an attitude with her....accused me some more of yelling at her and her son...and then finally said she would not be spoken to that way and she was done talking to me. Of course, the non-confrontational Kristin, started to cry (after I was back behind closed doors of the gym) because she couldn't believe that the mother had sided with the child that just threatened me. During the whole mother-son thing, Bailey called to say Konnor's stomach was hurting and he needed to be picked up. It was his first day back this week. So he went a total of 3 hours this week. Today and tomorrow no school for kids. Hmmm....yeah I think that about sums up the day. Today is professional development in the morning and confrences all afternoon and evening. I used to really enjoy conferences, but now they are just a looooong day! No one comes to see the PE teacher. Yep, I'm definitely applying for the Wal-mart job today!!