I'm guessing that Frosty is thinking, this stinks....You know you have a lot of snow when the lawn ornament's head is the only thing still visible.
Here's a riddle for all...what does the 1 day of shopping a year that we get without kids and Putnam boys have in common...give up...yep, you guessed it the STOMACH FLU! It never fails, we set one day a year aside to power shop for Christmas and it never fails...one of the boys gets sick. Last year it was Kraig, this year it is Konnor. Daddy Kirk was nice enough not to call me during my "scrap" session with Beth and Gloria last night
(which by the way was a complete blast! I love spending time with Beth because she makes me LOL) to tell me that Konnor started puking 5 minutes into Narnia. At least he got him out of the theater and into the parking lot before he lost it. So...needless to say...when I got home at 12 AM, I was greeted at the door with the Chlorox bleach spray and paper towel. Konnor was up until 4 this morning, but now he seems like he is coming back around. So here are the
5 Things I am thankful for( sorry Beth).....Chlorax bleach spray and Chlorax Wipes (especially in house with 3 boys), paper towel, bathroom spray(Christmas scent), the little wash tubs you get at the hospital that double as puke buckets, 7 UP and gatorade slushies.....Don't these things make parenting much easier?! I think so. Well, today's "new" plan of events....Xmas cards, laundry, and watching movies with Konnor. I am also thankful that we have a VCR and DVD player that helps pass the time. Wishing you and yours a HAPPY and HEALTHY New Year!